Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Reasons Time Is Worth More Than Money

We've all heard people say "time is money." But believe it or not, time is worth so much more.

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

7 Reasons to Invest in Stocks Past Age 50

Conventional wisdom says you should invest conservatively near and after retirement. Is that actually wise?

4 Paint Colors That Can Boost Your Home's Value

Want a quick, easy way to raise the value of your home? The right color paint in the right room can do the trick.

9 Old-School Jobs That Are Making a Comeback

While some careers are clinging on for dear life, others are experiencing a powerful second wind. Is yours one of them?

5 Painless Ways to Lower Your Cell Phone Bill

Dial in to these smart bill-lowering tactics, and watch your cell phone bill get a whole lot smaller.

It's Your Last Chance to Claim These 8 Tax Deductions

Tax Day 2018 is a big one; this will be your last chance to claim these major tax deductions.

9 Ways to Improve Your Life This Weekend

Being a weekend warrior can be a heck of a lot more than a landscaping project. Try one of these activities for a long-term ROI that will make your life better.

The Best Places to Get Coupons Online

Your guide to the best places to find coupons online.

Dumbest packaging ever?

I tend to believe that American consumers are savvier than advertisers and marketers give us credit for. That's why I don't understand why marketers waste so much time trying to se

5 Myths About Credit Card Rewards

Reward cards might be a lot more beneficial (or, in some cases, harmful) than you think. Check out these common myths — and the true story behind them.

6 Celebrities With Shockingly Low Net Worths

You won't catch any of these spendthrift celebs on Frugal Lives of the Rich and Famous.

Organize 8 Key Areas of Your Life With These 17 Smart Apps

Stop looking at Facebook and use your phone to become more productive. Yes, that's right — time to get some work done!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Handle Rude Questions About Money?

Tell us how you handle rude questions about money and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

20 Cheap and Easy DIY Kitchen Improvements

Does your kitchen need help? These DIY improvements are frugal, foolproof, and we have to admit — just plain fun!

What Does Checked Baggage Insurance Cover?

Good news! Your credit card's checked baggage insurance might cover you if your luggage is lost.

Is living on one income a status symbol?

Recently CNN published an article titled "No kids, no jobs for growing number of wives ". This article profiled two women who are stay at home wives with no kids. A quote from the

What to Do With a Windfall

You just stumbled upon a big pile of money. Congrats! Here's what you should do with it.

Use "Cognitive Crafting" to Ace Your Next Job Interview

If you want to ace your next job interview, all you need to do is change your perspective.

What Job Hunters Should Really Look for in a Job Offer

Taco Tuesday has a nice ring to it, but it won't help boost your bottom line. Look for a job with perks that really matter.