Military families can get special benefits from credit cards, such as waived annual fees. Check out these great cards for service men, women, and their families.
If you thought those Nigerian scammers could not sink any lower, think again. It was reported today by WTAE.TV that there's a new scam making the rounds, and this time the scammers are praying on the good nature of pet lovers.
It's time for our weekly round-up of linky love. As always, if you feel you've been unfairly left off the list, please let us know by emailing our editors at
Ivy at Home Ec 101 gave us some serious love. Thanks, Ivy!
If you're planning to lease a new (or new-to-you) car, follow this advice to make sure you're factoring in all the costs and getting a car you truly can afford.
Here in Colorado the average temperature around midday is now above 90 degrees...every day. Pah, say you folks in Arizona. But for me, it's way too hot for comfort. [more]
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
400GB Western Digital external hard drive under $90 delivered.
The stellar deals continue. [more]
Why Saving Money Is a Gift to Your Future Self
It can be hard to save money for a rainy day...or rainy years. Learn why you should, and why thinking about it as a gift can help.
10 Frugalfying Ways to get to $1 Million
This guest post is by Leo from Zen Habits. If you like this post, check out his site or subscribe to his feed. [more]
Is It Time to Starve Your 401(k)?
We're told again and again that feeding a 401(k) guarantees a sturdy retirement. But is that really your best savings option?
The Best Credit Cards For Military Personnel and Families
Military families can get special benefits from credit cards, such as waived annual fees. Check out these great cards for service men, women, and their families.
Possible Backlash Against Cheap Imports?
Is there a backlash against cheap Chinese imports coming? I, for one, secretly hope so. We've known that it can't last forever, haven't we? [more]
Pet lovers beware - there's a new scam in town.
If you thought those Nigerian scammers could not sink any lower, think again. It was reported today by WTAE.TV that there's a new scam making the rounds, and this time the scammers are praying on the good nature of pet lovers. [more]
Best Money Tips: 5 Golden Rules for Getting Out of Debt
Today we found some great articles on the golden rules of getting out of debt, habits of considerate people, and where to find extra income.
It's the linkster! The linkmeister!
It's time for our weekly round-up of linky love. As always, if you feel you've been unfairly left off the list, please let us know by emailing our editors at Ivy at Home Ec 101 gave us some serious love. Thanks, Ivy! [more]
How Much Car Can You Afford?
If you're planning to lease a new (or new-to-you) car, follow this advice to make sure you're factoring in all the costs and getting a car you truly can afford.
Best Money Tips: 12 Brilliant and Simple Food Hacks
Today we found some great articles on brilliantly simple food hacks, over 40 websites that will save you money, and some nifty features of Windows 10.
12 Easy Ways to Manage Your Finances Before, During, and After a Military Deployment
A deployment is tough enough without the financial burden. Keep your money in check to make your service a little less stressful.
5 bargains to help you keep your cool this summer.
Here in Colorado the average temperature around midday is now above 90 degrees...every day. Pah, say you folks in Arizona. But for me, it's way too hot for comfort. [more]
Best Money Tips: How to Have Fun for Free
Today we found some great articles on how to have fun for free, money saving tips for the average homeowner, and facing your first day like a pro.
Alaska Airlines Visa Signature® Credit Card Review
Check out what the Alaska Airlines Visa Signature card has to offer to their loyal travelers.
The Financial Balancing Act: Musings on Balancing Being Responsible with Having Fun
Sometimes, balancing debt (or staying out of it) with fun things we really enjoy brings up hard questions. [more]
4 Questions to Ask Before Getting Trendy Beauty Treatments
Before you risk your money — and your health! — on a trendy new beauty treatment, there are some things you should consider.
How to Calculate Future Value, and Why It Matters
Discover how simple spreadsheet projections about future investments can help you make long-term decisions today.
10 Smart Ways to Get a Small Business Loan
It takes money to make money, and for small business there have never been so many ways to borrow some. How would a loan help your business grow?
10 Easy Ways to Prep Your Garden for Winter
Summer sun will soon give way to the chill of fall and winter. Make sure your garden is ready to hibernate.