Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers

Usually, I have a lot to write about. But today? Today there's only one thing I can write about, because this thing is driving me crazy. [more]

Can't Cook? Fake It. Easiest French Recipe, Ever.

Sometimes you have to cook to impress. Fortunately, there are dishes out there that are so deceptively delicious that no one will ever have to know that you whipped it up in ten minutes using the bare minimum of ingredients. [more]

TACO TOWN and the gut-busting tributes.

Have you guys ever seen Taco Town? C'mon, the parody of supersizing that is way too funny and agonizingly close to reality? [more]

Best Money Tips: Resume Red Flags to Avoid

Today we found some great articles on resume red flags to avoid, part-time jobs for retirees, and credit card 101.

Best Money Tips: Help Your Children Build Credit

Today we found some awesome articles on helping your children build credit, the best things to buy in June, and marketing tactics for job hunters.

Book Review: Excuse Me, Your Job is Waiting!

A few weeks ago, I won a copy of Excuse Me, Your Job Is Waiting: Attract the Work You Want from Consumerism Commentary (thanks, Flexo!). [more]

6 Uses for Those Old Whitewalls

No, they don’t have to be whitewalls, but I know that sometime in the near future you will have an old tire to get rid of. [more]

Laughing at Ourselves elevated by Doug Marlette

When I first heard of Doug Marlette, he was an editorial cartoonist with The Charlotte Observer. He accepted an invitation to speak to high school students and personally

The Parable of The Flat-Screen TV

A carefully considered purchase is a wise purchase. On the other end of the spectrum? Meet Dan and his not-so-new flat-screen TV.

The 3rd Annual Plutus Awards

The 3rd Annual Plutus Awards are in full swing! While general voting has ended, voting for the People's Choice Award is still open!

Best Money Tips: 17 Goals for a More Organized Life

Today we found goals to help you lead a more organized life, exercises to do after you’ve been sitting all day, and ways to sleep better tonight.

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Topic: Saving Money! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

Best Money Tips: Fun Ways to Make Money While Traveling

Today we found fun ways to make money while you travel, common budgeting mistakes, and steps to a happy new you.

Best Money Tips: How to Quit Fast Food

Today we found articles on how to never eat fast food again, saving on holiday shopping, and items you’ll probably forget to pack for holiday travel.

Best Money Tips: Save Money for Big Expenses

Today we found some stellar articles on saving money for big expenses, replacing lost tax documents, and picking the right car insurance.

Getting Something for Nothing – My $25 from Revolution MoneyExchange

Just when I thought I couldn’t take another online money transfer product, I was introduced to Revolution MoneyExchange. My familiarity and pas

Ask the Readers: How Do You Define Financial Success?

Tell us how you define financial success and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Make You Wanna Holla Presentation

In a realm where the DJ is dead and many spend more time texting and e-mailing than talking, defeat the Borg with a little bit of imagination. And if you've got your PC or Mac join

How to Be Fearless and Do What You Want

Overcoming fear sounds easy when the motivational experts advise it. Get from the scary here to the confident there with practice, planning, and a little playacting.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Holiday Across the Seasons?

Tell us about your holiday and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!