Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Seamstress Sui Generis - Designer Amy Doan (aka Shrinkle)

Designer Amy Doan, of Shrinkle, shares on her stellar success as an eBay fashionista.

SunTrust Secured Credit Card with Cash Rewards Review

A secured card with cash rewards and other benefits? Yes, they do exist!

Financial Lessons From Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh has remained one of the most endearing characters in children's literature — but there's a lot he can teach us adults about money, too.

15 Ways to Solve Your Problem

When you're facing a difficult situation, these 15 techniques — from going outside to remembering the Alamo — can help you find your solution.

4 Tax Deductions New Homeowners Shouldn't Skip

New homeowners can get a leg up on their tax bill, so long as they remember to claim these huge deductions.

Why "Opportunity" Funds Are the New Emergency Funds

Sometimes the only thing between saving a lot and saving nothing at all is a turn of phrase.

10 Easy Ways to Get Your Finances Fit For Summer

Summer's almost here! Give your finances the bikini bod they deserve and breeze through summer.

5 Fitness Gadgets Actually Worth the Money

All you really need to stay fit is time. But for an extra push, these gadgets will help you burn calories without burning a hole in your pocket.

Is "Health Food" Worse for You than Junk Food?

Health food isn't necessarily as good for you as you'd expect it to be. In fact, it might be those "healthy" foods that are ultimately making you fat.

Should You Sign Up for That Store Credit Card?

Store credit cards are sometimes good for building credit. But their terms can make them less attractive than many other cards. Should you get one?

Replace These 8 Luxury Buys With Their Cheaper, Better Alternatives

Look beyond the status that goes with a luxe price, and these cheap alternatives give you most of the value, but at a fraction of the cost.

The World's 4 Biggest Credit Card Scams

Credit card scammers never rest. Learn about four of the most notorious credit card scams — and what you can do to protect you and your credit.

7 Personal Finance Tips for Animal Lovers

We love our pets — too much sometimes — and it can cost us plenty. Get smart about caring for Fido and keep him from tearing a hole in your budget.

Everything You Need to Know About Peer-to-Peer Investing With Lending Club

For borrowers, Lending Club offers another funding source. For investors, it's a way to invest in consumer debt. Here's how to get started.

The 5 Best Contour Powders

Make your skin look flawless by using the right contour powder for your face. Any of these five best contour powders are great choices!

10 Money Lessons I Learned From Dad

Dads are a great source of knowledge. And when it comes to saving money, they always seem to know to steer us right. Happy Father's Day!

Argentine Wine Hack: Make Bad Wine Better

If you open a bottle of wine that just isn't all that great, add some soda water to it. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

12 Delicious Ways to Eat Cauliflower Rice

On the Paleo diet or watching carbs? Cauliflower "rice" will thrill your palate.

This One Easy Strategy Will Lead to Better Decisions

Before you decide on anything, try on all your options. How do they feel?

Choosing a Luxury Eccentricity

A useful tactic for dealing with those who think you need to spend more, a luxury eccentricity helps deflect criticism while allowing you to indulge.