Thinking of settling that debt with your credit card companies? You might want to think again. While debt settlement offers can be very attractive, there's often a nasty little sur
Auto insurance is one of those pesky, nagging things, almost like a tiny leech. It sucks money away and we're not even always aware of it, at least until we have to write another c
Without the right motivations, financially responsible living isn’t only difficult, it’s impossible. You need to do more than change how you act and think.
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
10 Ways to Save on Your Next Car Rental Without Even Trying Hard
The car rental companies have come up with a lot of ways to get you to pay more for a rental. Drive away richer with these tips on spending less.
10 Sneaky Vacation Costs That Add Up Quickly
You've booked your ticket. You've packed your bags. You're ready to go. But hang on … some hidden vacation costs are about to spoil your fun.
Forgiven Debt Isn't Really Forgiven At All
Thinking of settling that debt with your credit card companies? You might want to think again. While debt settlement offers can be very attractive, there's often a nasty little sur
4 Tips to Save on Car Insurance
Auto insurance is one of those pesky, nagging things, almost like a tiny leech. It sucks money away and we're not even always aware of it, at least until we have to write another c
The Simple Way to Save Enough Money for Your Dream Goals
Stop dreaming about a house, a car, or a wonderful vacation. Make those big purchases real with this simple long-term savings strategy.
The Art of the Group Gift
While simple, group giving can also become a sticky situation if done badly. Here are some guidelines for group giving.
How to Launch Your Second Career
It can be daunting to think about launching a second career. But with a little planning, and a few deep breaths, you'll get there.
20 Places to Find the Best Freebies
Free stuff is pretty awesome, right? Here are the best places to find all the freebies you can handle.
How to Stay on Budget While Eating Paleo
Eating like a cave man can be surprisingly expensive. Use these tips to eat paleo wisely, without blowing your budget.
15 Retirement Terms Every New Investor Needs to Know
Good for you for starting that retirement fund! Your future self will thank you. Now, let's get you brushed up on some key terms.
4 Ways Pessimism Can Actually Improve Your Finances
They say looking at the glass half empty is no way to live, but it might be the best way to steer clear of debt.
Buying Restaurant-Quality Cookware
Restaurant supply stores offer a cheap place to get certain cookware for your kitchen.
The Best-Kept Secret to Frugal Living
Without the right motivations, financially responsible living isn’t only difficult, it’s impossible. You need to do more than change how you act and think.
10 Unexpected Things You Should Consider When Picking Where You Retire
Before you downsize and leave town for retirement, make sure where you want to live meshes with how you want to live.
5 Common Money Moves That Can Get You Into Legal Trouble
That little white money lie might seem innocent enough, but watch out — you could get in big trouble.
8 Frequently Under-Budgeted Air Travel Costs
Baggage fees, parking, food, and other charges can drive up air travel costs. Here are some tips to avoid the extra charges.
These 10 Words and Phrases Are Keeping You From Getting a Raise
What you say and how you say it really matters to your career. Cut these troublesome words and phrases and bask in the accolades that follow.
How to Make Ends Meet When You're House Poor
Home is meant to be a haven. If it's leaving you racked with debt (and stress), it's time to consider these options.
What to Do When You Can't Afford Your Child's College Education
Your kid just got accepted into their dream school, but the price tag can make it all feel like a nightmare. What to do now?
12 Things You Need to Stop Doing Today to Be a Better Friend
What do we value most in life? Family and friends. Keep and strengthen those precious bonds by avoiding these common relationship-busters.