Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

11 Fun Games That Make You Smarter, Too

Sure, games are fun, but they can also make us smarter, teach us about money, and stave off dementia. Try these brain building pastimes.

Beautify Your Yard: What's Your Best Advice?

The yard and garden is on everyone’s mind this time of year, and the recent Earth Day celebration may have you thinking about some fuel-free options for keeping things beautiful.

The Man Behind the Bargains - An Interview with Ben Chui - Founder of

Ben's Bargains is one of the oldest deal and coupon sites on the internet. The man behind this awesome frugal shopping destination is Ben

11 Useful, Genius Math Tricks That Are Actually Easy

Stop fumbling for your smartphone calculator and use these clever tricks to make short work of fractions, percentages, and lots more.

4 Ways to Beat Debit Card Fees

Big banks are beginning to institute monthly fees for using their debit cards. Thankfully, there are several ways to avoid paying out. Find out how.

Here's What a Balance Transfer Does to Your Credit

A balance transfer can help you pay down debt faster, but it comes with some costs, including a few you may not see.

6 Ways to Avoid Sneaky Online Price Changes

Don't let "dynamic pricing" steal your deal. Keep an eye out for sneaky ways online retailers (legally!) overcharge their customers.

Getting Your Travel Rewards on the Ground

You've wrung every mile out of your frequent flyer program. Now wring every cent out of your other rewards programs for your hotel, rental car, and more.

4 Things You Should Make Your Adult Child Pay For

The transition to adulthood is financially tricky. That doesn't mean parents should be bailing out their kids' every bill.

The 5 Best Women’s Rain Boots

Keeping your feet warm and dry on a rainy day isn't easy, but it can be. Get any of these women's rain boots and your feet will stay toasty.

Conspicuous Spending: Fading to Black

In the black community and many other communities there is a sense that material possession and flair denotes character, accomplishment and power. It's a poor dad mentality and a

The Best Credit Cards for Hotel Deals and Rewards

Savvy travelers know how to stretch travel dollars even more with these hotel rewards credit cards.

8 Ways to Preserve Your Net Worth in Retirement

Financial security is more important in retirement than ever. Want to keep your net worth on the up and up? Here's how.

Recession Journal VI: It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Any Questions?

The recession is technically over, officially over, numerically over. How do you feel now and what are you gonna do about it?

Why Holding Onto Too Much Stuff Is a Burden for Your Loved Ones

Material items will not follow you into the afterlife, so you might as well declutter your home while you're still here.

How Bond Prices and Yields Work

Thinking of adding some government bonds to your portfolio? First, let's take a closer look at how they work.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Valentine's Day?

Tell us how you save money on Valentine's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

28 Free Ways to Entertain Your Kids This Summer

You can make plenty of fun memories with your kids this summer and it won't cost you a thing.

Buy Your Groceries European-Style

Instead of planning a menu in advance, I go to the store and look around to see what looks good. That way, I can get whatever's fresh and cheap.

How the rich stay rich; a lesson in lateral thinking

A friend recently told me the story of how a millionaire thinks. Not every millionaire of course, just one in particular. It's ingenius, as you will discover. But it really mad