Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Get Your Boss to Let You Work From Home

You waste 200 hours a year commuting to and from work. Convince your boss to let you work from home and relclaim all that wasted time.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Score a Raise

Today we found some stellar articles on ways to score a raise, how to never make a late payment again, and paying off student loans smarter and sooner.

Ask the Readers: What One Frugal Holiday Gift Would You Enjoy? (Chance to Win!)

What is one frugal gift that you would really appreciate this year? Share your favorite request for a chance at $20!

9 Easy Ways to Start Taking Better Care of Yourself Today

It doesn't take a lot of effort to become the new, better looking and feeling you. Start with these simple (and quick!) self-improvers.

6 Foods Scientifically Proven to Increase Your Lifespan

You can extend your stay on this mortal coil by adding these lifespan lengtheners to your diet. Bonus? They're delicious, too.

Best Money Tips: Save Money When Buying Things You Need

Today we found some awesome articles on how to save money when buying things you need, decorating a small apartment on a dime, and when to teach kids about money.

How to Get Free Publicity

It's not enough to provide a great product or service people want or need. For a business to succeed, it has to be noticed. Here are six free ways to get the word out.

5 Ways Newlyweds Screw Up Money Management

Marriage isn't just a joining of two people who love each other, it's also a joining of their finances. Avoid these mistakes to make sure you achieve fiscal bliss.

Best Money Tips: How to Take Better Family Photos

Today we found articles on ways to earn extra money before the holidays, simple tips for taking better family photos, and the hidden costs of car ownership.

The 3 Best Books to Start Investing Today

There are plenty of resources online to help you learn about investing, but print still has value. Read these books to learn the fundamentals.

Best Money Tips: Cheap Ways to Feed a Family of Four

Today we found some great articles on cheap ways to feed a family of 4, moving up the corporate ladder, and reasons to use your credit card.

Best Money Tips: Tips for an Ultra-Productive Day

Today we found some great articles on tips to have an ultra-productive day, how to free up space on your iPhone, and amazing ways to save money at Target.

Slow and Steady Wins the Debt Race

When you're in deep debt, bankruptcy can look appealing. However, the long way out of debt is usually the best way to get — and stay — out of debt.

Frugality: a tactic, but also a goal

I was going to write a piece on how frugality was a tactic, not a goal. The point I wanted to make was that the goal is living the life you want to live, and that frugality is a ta

How to Visit San Francisco Without Going Broke

Yes, Baghdad by the Bay really is the most expensive city in the country — but no, you don't have to spend a fortune visiting it!

Turn a Day Off Into Your Most Profitable Day of the Year

We often focus on what is most pressing with our finances. But if you take a day off to do some long-term work, you can save hundreds of dollars a year.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/2, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Back to School Savings! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Free movie rental from Hollywood Video

This deal is about as simple as they get. So grab a bag or two of your favorite popcorn, browse through the aisles of your local Hollywood Video and pick up a video rental on the h

Hostels vs Hotels: Choosing the Perfect Place to Stay Within your Budget

Most people think that the frugal way to travel is to stay in hostels. However there are a number of scenarios where that may not be the case. Read on for some tips on how to

4 Ways Being a Safe Driver Will Save You Big Money

As if you needed another reason to be a safe driver, it'll save you big bucks, too.