Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 5 Kinds of Bank Accounts That Everybody Needs

Today we found articles on bank accounts that everyone needs, important employee rights that teens should know, and how to create a calming evening routine.

4 Affordable Destinations That Are Safer Than You Think

These four international destinations have dark reputations, but these days they're relatively safe, and absolutely affordable.

14 Awesome Credit Card Perks You Didn't Know About

Make sure you read the fine print on your credit card member agreement. You may be getting more than you bargained for — in a good way.

Everything You Need to Know About Flood Insurance

When it rains, it pours — and when it does, that flood insurance you've hated paying for will seem like a pretty smart investment.

How These 6 Assets Might Affect Student Financial Aid Eligibility

Financial aid is a huge help for every college student. Let's break down exactly what the FAFSA considers in its calculation.

8 Networking Tips for Introverts

Many careers require you get out there and meet clients, vendors, and potential colleagues. But what if that's really, really not your thing?

10 Ways to Repair a Burned Bridge

We've all ended a work or personal relationship badly. Mend a broken connection and you'll regain a valued friend or a colleague -- forever this time.

15 Frugal Ways to Battle Boredom

The next time you're listless, grumpy, or just plain bored, follow these suggestions to spend your time, rather than spending money.

Once Bitten Twice Shy: What is Credit Security Worth to You?

If you have had your identity stolen, you're prepared to bring out the big guns to protect it. Even if you haven't been once bitten, you may be shy. Here are some (arguable but eff

The Surprising Truth of Investing: Mediocre Advice Is Best

While you might wish for superior investing advice, it turns out mediocre advice is really all you need.

11 Things You Can't Hide When Selling Your Home

Before you sell your home, make sure you know what you have to tell the new owners.

Your Payment History Has a Huge Impact on Your Credit Score – Here's How to Improve It

Don't let your payment history destroy your credit score. Automate your bills and watch your score soar.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Have Frugal Fun?

Tell us how you have frugal fun and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Important Things You Should Know About Balance Transfer Cards

If you plan to pay down high interest credit card debt with a new zero-interest card, make sure you understand the potential downsides.

Our high, high standard of living

In the 1950s and 1960s, a working man could support a family at a middle-class standard of living with just one income. It might surprise you to learn that one person working full

The 5 Best Rain Jackets for Women

Keeping your clothes from getting wet on a rainy day isn't easy, but it can be. Just wear any of these rain jackets and your clothes will stay dry.

How to Deal With a Partner Who Is Too Controlling With Money

Conversations about money are never fun in relationships, but they're very necessary. And when one partner is getting too controlling, here's how to deal.

5 Bodily Fluids You Can Exchange for Cash

If you're fit and healthy and don't mind some hassle and probing questions, you can earn extra income selling little vials of medical grade you.

Bottled Water, Bottled Hype Part 1

When we buy bottled water, especially bottled water from overseas (like Fiji), we're deciding against using that we have immediate access to, something that pours freely into o

9 Creative Ways to Boost Your Retirement Savings

Having some trouble coming up with cash for your nest egg? It's time to think outside the box.