Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Why is Gasoline So Cheap? A Cost Comparison of 40 Common Household Liquids

Do you know which is more expensive: one gallon of gasoline or one gallon of orange juice? How about one gallon of glue? Read on for a comparison of the price gasoline and other f

How to Handle Credit Card Debt When You're Unemployed

Credit card debt while unemployed feels like insult added to injury. But you can pull through: Here's how.

4 Quick Ways to Decide if a Company Is Worth Your Investment

You don't have to be an insider to glean valuable insights about a company. These four public sources of info can tell you a lot of what you need to know before you invest.

The High Cost of the "Treat Yourself" Mindset

You might be able to justify a "treat yourself" purchase, but all those little treats add up to one big, stressful bill. What's it really costing you?

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know You Could Buy at Costco

Paper goods, giant bags of peanuts, a year's supply of toothpaste… yeah, Costco sells that. Costco also sells 401(k) plans and caskets. Wait. What?

The 7 Best Free Tools to Improve Your Work Performance

Stop working harder and start working smarter with these free tools that boost productivity.

When You Should Get a Business Credit Card Over a Consumer Card

Here's a breakdown of the extra benefits that come with a business credit card that you should consider.

8 Companies With the Best Employee Discounts

Love the idea of a steep discount to shop where you work? You might want to apply at one of these eight stores.

Deciding Which Produce to Buy Organic - The Dirty Dozen

When money is tight and you can't buy every single thing organic, how do you choose? Fortunately, the Environmental Working Group has separated the veggie nasties from the veggie O

Do Nigerian Scam Artists Catch more Flies with Threats of Detainment?

Due to the economy, it’s slow all around. In fact, even those who run some of the most devious and damaging email scams are having to come up with new ways to try to steal your mo

How to Avoid Theft While Traveling

While you're enjoying vacation, a pickpocket may be enjoying a moment to strike. Protect yourself from theft no matter where you travel.

4 Smart Ways to Lower Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

A hefty home loan doesn't have to be a burden. Here's how you can trim dollars from your monthly mortgage payment.

7 Credit Card Reward Tips Many People Don't Follow

Using a rewards credit card can net you lots of free stuff — if you're smart about it. Get the most value by following these suggestions.

11 Smart Ways to Get Some Sleep at the Airport

Airport hotels can be expensive. Here's how to take a serious snooze between flights.

5 Costly Pitfalls of Hosting on Airbnb

Renting your space on Airbnb isn't always an easy money-maker. Watch out for these pitfalls and inconveniences of becoming an Airbnb host.

How to Pay Less Interest on Your Credit Card Debt

You may be able to pay down your credit card debt faster with a personal loan. These are things you should consider.

Starting Your Dream Business Is Easier Than You Think — Here's How

Do you dream of starting a business? Stop waiting for the right time, the right plan, or the right partner, and just get started!

How to Be a Superhero without Supernatural Abilities

A hero isn’t someone who wears a crimson cape. A hero is not someone who possesses super human strength. A hero is someone who consistently does amazing things over a lifetime.

Maintaining Memories: How to Save Old Photographs

Don't let your old photographs fade and crumble in some attic box! Instead, follow these steps to share them and keep them safe.

Small, Cheap Steps to Weight Loss

If you prefer baby steps to great strides, try these tips and tricks for cutting calories from your diet and burning off some extra pounds.