Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Bottled Water, Bottled Hype Part 1

When we buy bottled water, especially bottled water from overseas (like Fiji), we're deciding against using that we have immediate access to, something that pours freely into o

Clear Out That Clutter: 15 Places to Sell Your Stuff

Get rid of your old stuff, and make money too! No matter what you want to sell, find out where you can get rid of it — and get cash.

5 Reasons a Big Paycheck Is Not Worth Staying in a Job You Hate

Financial independence is the goal for us all, but it shouldn't come at the cost of a despicable job.

What to Do If You Can't Pay Your Private Student Loan

Private student loan debt can be difficult to pay or renegotiate. Here's what to do when those loans become a real burden.

8 Travel Warnings You Shouldn't Ignore

When was the last time you took notice of a travel advisory before you took a trip? It could be extremely dangerous to ignore them.

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Delicious Homemade Gluten-Free Bread

Here is an easy to make Gluten-Free Bread recipe that is extremely affordable and much better tasting than store brands. Celebrate and have toast again!

22 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

Most of us know that soda isn't good for us, but that doesn't mean we stop drinking it. Here are 22 financial, health, and other reasons to kick the habit.

8 Fees You Need to Stop Paying Right Now

Save hundreds of dollars a year by dropping these useless fees from your life.

12 Things You Should Do in the First Six Months of a New Job

Got a new job? Great! Here's your game plan for the next six months.

Ask the Readers: What Time Management Tools Do You Use?

Tell us about your time management tools and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Characteristics of the World's Youngest Billionaires

There are 2200 billionaires in the world, and just 63 are under the age of 40. Here's what they have in common.

Don't Buy a House With a Pool Until You Can Answer These 7 Questions

You might be dreaming of taking a dip, but owning a home with a pool raises plenty of pricey questions.

How to Make Sure You Don't Run Out of Money in Retirement

Investing in an annuity can be a little tricky. Having an annuity, however, is pretty wonderful.

5 Frugal Lessons I Learned From Aldi

Grocery store chain Aldi is my frugal idol. Learn the simple life lessons that shopping at Aldi has taught me.

Best Money Tips: How to Buy a Family Home Without the Stress

Today we found articles on how to buy a home without the stress, how to choose the best sunscreen, and pro cleaning tips and tricks that will save you time.

Should You Always Dispute Mistakes on Your Credit Report?

We all make mistakes, which is why you shouldn't skip regular reviews of your credit reports. Any errors there can cost you.

6 Items You Need to Be Prepared to Replace

Looking to upgrade your appliances and furniture? Here's when to do it.

How Cutting Your Losses Can Save You More Than Money

Learn to let go and you'll gain way more than better financial habits. Sunk costs are sunk for a reason!

Here's How Rich You'd Be If You'd Invested $500 in FAANG 6 Years Ago

So you missed the boat on Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google? Here's how much it cost you.

30 Uses for the Humble Cardboard Box

Explore 30 creative tips to reinterpret, reuse, and recycle the humble cardboard box.