Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

People Who Love Christmas Do These 9 Things — Do You?

Our traditions make the holidays meaningful, from gifts to glitter. What traditions mark your holiday season?

5 Great Beer Apps to Kick-Start Your Summer

Parched? Handle this summer's heat waves with these apps made just for beer connoisseurs.

The 15 Worst Cities for Frugal People

These 15 international cities are renowned for their culture, vitality, and energy. They're also really, really expensive places to live.

Don't Miss These 7 Great Tax Deductions for Parents and Caretakers

Being a caregiver requires investments of time, emotion — and money. Don't miss these seven deductions for parents or caretakers this tax season.

What Is Your Net Worth?

Unlike the external indicators of wealth we all tend to recognize, net worth is a true indicator of where you stand financially. Find out yours.

5 Signs You're Financially Average — And How to Improve

You're probably pretty average when it comes to money — but that's not necessarily a good thing. Here's how to move to the front of the class.

7 Ways Being Single is Better for Your Bank Account

Being single on February 14 can be a real bummer, but look on the bright side: Your bank account will love you for it.

What to Do If Your Adult Child Is Moving Home

If your adult children are moving back or currently living at home, how much support should you be giving them? Here are some things to consider.

Get Cash Back by Caring for Others

I recently discovered a website that offers cash refunds on an assortment of items that I use every day. The nation&#

Best Money Tips: Benefits of Shopping at Farmers Markets

Today we found some fantastic articles on the benefits of shopping at farmer's markets, curbing compulsive spending this Christmas, and teaching personal finance.

7 Ways to Ace Your Next Performance Review

Turn your next one-on-one with your boss into a promotion or raise with some common-sense preparation and a willingness to shine.

NotchUp - Get Paid to Go on Interviews

Do you want to be paid for going to interviews? A new Silicon Valley startup is doing just that! Read on for my impressions of NotchUp and details on how you can earn some cash by

10 Ways to Save $100 This Week

A few things you start this week could save you hundreds of dollars over the course of the month. Discover great ways to save, starting today.

Let things go

Two of the unhappiest people I ever knew lived in the apartment below mine when I lived for two years in Salt Lake City. They acted as on-site managers--collected rent checks in

The 5 Best Mid-Sized Cities for Millennials

You don't have to make it there to make it somewhere. Enjoy big city living without the big city cost in these five medium-sized metropolises.

20 Delectable, Frugal Pineapple Recipes

From salsa to salad to soup, these 20 recipes will help you make the most of this in-season exotic fruit.

9 Things That Cost More in 2016

If you're looking to be frugal in 2016, these price hikes certainly won't be helping your cause.

5 Ways the Canadian Dollar Decline Will Impact Your Wallet

The loonie is at its lowest value relative to the dollar in 13 years. How will our northern neighbor’s economy affect our own wallets?

10 Questions to Ask Before You Sell a Stock or a Fund

To sell, or not to sell? Ask yourself these 10 questions before you let go of a stock or fund.

Should I Get Life Insurance Through My Employer?

Does it make sense to get life insurance through your employer? Maybe not. Jeff Rose, CFP, explains why.