Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Smart, Simple Ways to Cut Your Electricity Bill

Today we found simple and smart ways to lower your electricity bill, the best exercise for weight control, and foods that will boost your energy.

Best Money Tips: The Debt Movement Edition

In honor of The Debt Movement, we wanted to share with you some of the best debt related articles we have published over the years!

Best Money Tips: Sources of Free Entertainment

Today we found some fantastic articles on sources of free entertainment, the best items to buy now, and retirement planning in your 20s.

Double hack – make a cheap metal detector, find a fortune.

It’s not often you get a double-whammy money-saving tip but this one falls into that category. Not only can you save cash by making your own cheap metal detector, you can find a fo

Use Safe Driving To Save Gas During The Last 6 Weeks Of Winter

The Groundhog predicted that we will have to endure six more weeks of winter. This means more snow, ice, and cold that can reduce your car's efficiency by up to 50%. Fortunatel

Get Some Rest!

In an unofficial survey, 99% of my friends said they need more rest. By "rest," I don't mean sleep, but time that is refreshing and rejuvenating, time that gives and

Best Money Tips: Factors That Can Raise Your Insurance Premiums

Today we found some stellar articles on factors that can raise your insurance premiums, buying high-quality low-priced furniture, and living frugal but looking rich.

5 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a Used Car

If you're in the market for good used car, here are five essential questions to ask yourself before you step on the lot or respond to the ad.

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Evaluate Your Budget?

Tell us how often you evaluate your budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Try Indie Products for Cheap with a Sampler!

Love buying the latest handmade crafts, candles, body treats, and jewelry? Don’t have time to scour the web or the newest issue of a magazine t

Is DIY Home Renovating for You?

Before you start a DIY home renovation project, consider this question — are you really the right person for the job?

Ask the Readers: Do You Celebrate Halloween?

Tell us whether you celebrate Halloween and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

My 2016 Budget Challenge: Finding Food

From the streets of LA to the forest floor, Max Wong is finding brilliant ways to cut food costs on her way to finding an extra $31K this year.

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Regretted a Big Purchase?

Tell us if you've ever regretted a big purchase and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Garage Triage: Organize Your Garage for Maximum Chore and Storage Efficiency

If your garage is filled with everything but a car, reclaim that space. Get creative, get organized, and transform how you use your garage.

Please Pass the October Surprise

I've always believed that mastery of vocabulary is at least halfway to mastery of the subject. Words are power--the kind of power commonly wielded by eggheads with pocket protector

Worried About an Audit? Six IRS Red Flags

Is your tax return a magnet for an IRS audit? Find out the 6 things that draw the attention of the IRS and what you can do to minimize your chances of getting audited.

Best Money Tips: Inspiration to Keep Saving Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on inspiration to keep saving money, getting a great performance review, and how to stop wasting half your day.

8 Ways to Survive the April 18th Tax Deadline

Not ready for the big day? Use our helpful tax guides to get you through our crazy tax code.

Meet Wise Bread's Financial Planning Expert, Jeff Rose, CFP!

Meet Wise Bread's resident financial planning expert, Jeff Rose, CFP. Do you have a financial planning question? He's got your back!