Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Emergency belt-tightening

Typical personal finance advice would have you divide your budget categories into two groups: Your fixed expenses and your discretionary expenses. I generally don't like that dis

How to Stay on Budget While Eating Paleo

Eating like a cave man can be surprisingly expensive. Use these tips to eat paleo wisely, without blowing your budget.

Really Great Uses for Kitty Litter

Just because you don't own a feline friend doesn't mean you should take kitty litter off your shopping list.

Why the Best Credit Card Rewards Strategy Is a Slow One

When it comes to credit card rewards strategies, follow the lead of the tortoise, and take it slow.

Don't Let These 6 Home Décor Flaws Ruin Your House Hunt

Kitschy cabinets, disco fever carpeting...never fear! These house-hunting turn-offs are actually easy fixes.

How to Be Happy and Married: 24 Tips from a 24-Year-Old Marriage

My husband and I celebrated our 24th anniversary last week. Here are a few things I've learned about having a happy, long-lasting marriage.

15 Cheap and Ingenious Ways to Upgrade Your Furniture

Sprucing up your furniture and your space doesn't have to be expensive — or difficult. Here's how update your old stuff for cheap!

20 Cute and Frugal DIY Clothes You Can Make for Your Kids

Hand-me-downs are smart and frugal, but these upcycled DIY duds for babies and kids are smart, frugal, AND cute!

10 Little Words That Will Get You the Best Price, Every Time

There's nothing complicated about getting the best price — you just need to know what to say.

Dealing With and Understanding Migraine Headaches

Migraines can be completely debilitating. Learn about common triggers (and how to avoid them) and home remedies for easing pain.

8 Factors That Could Keep You Broke Forever

If being broke is your way of life, it's time to do some serious self-reflection on your money habits.

12 Cute Ways to Upcycle Shoeboxes

Don't just drop those old shoeboxes in the recycle bin. From dirt cheap toys to trendy storage — your old shoeboxes can do so much more.

21 Experiences That Make Great Gifts

Everyone loves unwrapping a present, until it becomes next year's clutter. Consider an experience instead — the memories last forever!

4 Ways to Spot and Avoid a Fake Sale

Let's face it, retailers can outsmart even the savviest spenders. Are you falling prey to their little schemes?

4 Important Ways College Students Should Use Credit Cards

These are powerful ways students can use credit cards for their benefit while still avoiding debt.

Best Money Tips: Small Habits That Steal Your Happiness

Today we found articles on small habits that steal your happiness, tips for saving money on groceries, and ways to get cheap or free vet care for your pet.

11 Good Money Habits That Will Keep You Out of Debt

If you live life following these good money habits, you'll never find yourself facing debt.

8 Affordable Amusement Parks That Are Just as Fun As Disney

You don't have to shell out hundreds of dollars to Mickey Mouse in order to have a great vacation.

6 Products That Cost More for Women Than for Men

Ever notice that blue razors cost less than pink ones? Stop letting gender-based packaging and marketing sabotage your budget.

Is There Such Thing as a Messy Millionaire?

My favorite lesbian: I recently purchased Suze Orman's latest book (at Costco, for $10 off of the retail price), "Women & Money". [more]