Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Cards for Women’s Apparel

Choose the best credit card for shopping in women's clothing stores.

The 5 Best Callus Removers

Keeping your feet smooth and clean isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these callus removers and your feet will remain soft and callus-free.

How to Keep a Personal Problem From Hurting Your Career

Everyone goes through a rough spot once in awhile. The key is making sure you don't bring your personal crisis into the office.

10 Ways to Act Like a Leader -- And Get Ahead at Work

Office teamwork boosts morale and creates an overall happier environment. Step up and be the team player every workplace needs!

4 Signs You Are Teaching Your Kids Bad Financial Habits

Parents lead by example. If your kids are picking up your bad financial habits, help yourself, and them, by doing money the right way.

What Americans Can Learn From How the Rest of the World Saves Energy

After traveling to Europe and Australia, one writer has learned a several energy-saving tips that he's eager to bring home.

4 Inexpensive Breakfasts in Under Five Minutes

Time is a precious commodity in the mornings, but there are options beyond the drive through. Some of these recipes can be made even cheaper, if you’re willing to put in a

Here's How to Deduct Charitable Donations on Your Taxes

Follow the rules if you want a tax break for charitable contributions. The IRS isn't so charitable with audits.

10 Things to Do for Under $5 in the Omaha Metro Area

Omaha was my home for over 6 years, and while I enjoy living a more rural existence, I still frequent the metro for exciting entertainment options and unique shopping excursions.

A Low APR Secured Credit Card: Excent Secured

Rebuild or build your credit rating with a low APR secured credit card.

Stuff We Love: A Lifefactory Reusable Glass Water Bottle

A reusable water bottle saves money and the environment. Choose a glass bottle to avoid the BPAs found in some plastics and the metallic flavor of stainless steel.

5 Fitness Gadgets Actually Worth the Money

All you really need to stay fit is time. But for an extra push, these gadgets will help you burn calories without burning a hole in your pocket.

Look, But Don’t Touch: Avoid Marketing Manipulation

When it comes to shopping, touching an item may in fact encourage consumers to purchase things they hadn’t intended on buying in the first place.

Are You Being Ripped off at the Gas Station?

Is the amount of gas you are pumping - and paying for - really the amount of gas that ends up in your tank? Here's a quick and easy test to make sure you are getting your money's w

My best posts that got no attention

A few times I've written a post that I thought was good, but that seemed to vanish into the blogosphere without a trace. On my two-year anniversary of writing for Wise Bread, I

8 Job-Hunting Tools That Are More Important Than LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a key career development tool, but it's only one tool. If you aren't using these other online job services, you're limiting your job opportunities.

You Won't Believe How Much You Can Save With an Ice Cube Tray

You can do a lot more with an ice tray than make ice — you can freeze your spending, reduce food waste, and more! Learn how.

12 Things You Didn't Know About Retirement

Everyone knows the basics about retirement, but there are still some surprises hidden in the complexity. Test your retirement knowledge!

Lessons We Can Learn From Blockbuster's Demise

As the video giant Blockbuster files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, marketing experts everywhere are asking the same question: what went wrong?

Selling Stuff Online? Avoid These 8 Flipping Mistakes

If you're looking to make some extra cash by selling stuff online, make sure you don't fall into these common traps.