Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

20 Ways to Live Large in a Small Space

Clutter piles up fast and eats up your square footage — especially if you live in a small space. Make the most of the space you have with these simple space makers.

Debt repayment is not an expense

Over and over again, in budgeting articles and even books on personal finance, I see sample budgets that include debt repayment as if it were an expense. This shows a fundamental

7 Things That Affect Your Car Insurance Rates

Is your ride costing you big-time in auto insurance premiums? These surprising factors may be to blame.

The AMAZON URL hack generator. Save big $$$.

In a previous post I mentioned url hacking. It's basically just a way to figure out how to get to the bargains more quickly, and involves finding the codes for the different departments on Amazon and matching them to a sale percentage. [more]

10 Smart Ways to Keep Your Clothes Looking New

You've stocked your capsule wardrobe with smart, versatile looks. Now keep them looking that way, season after season.

3 Online Businesses You Can Launch In No Time

Looking to bring in some extra cash? These online businesses are so easy to set up that you'll be in full-on hustle mode immediately.

Beware of These Common Debt Consolidation Traps

Debt consolidation can be a great help in eliminating debt, but it's not a cure all, and it isn't free. Here's what to watch for.

Good Luck, Bad Luck: Who Can Tell?

Is your glass always half-full or half-empty? Maybe it's time for an entirely new perspective.

10 Ways to Repair a Burned Bridge

We've all ended a work or personal relationship badly. Mend a broken connection and you'll regain a valued friend or a colleague -- forever this time.

7 Ways to Tell If That Used Car Used to Be an Uber

Uber and Lyft drivers sell their cars just like the rest of us. Here's how to tell if you're about to buy one.

Everything New Parents Need to Know About College Savings

Diapers and formula aren't the only costs to consider when adding to your family. You'd better start thinking about college, too.

Encounter With a Freegan

Would a good mother feed her children out of the Dumpster? My first encounter with a real live freegan leaves me wondering. Is helping save the earth and some money worth even t

17 More Places to Buy, Sell, and Trade Books

A few weeks ago, Sasha wrote a great article about where to find books for less. Here are 17 more places to buy, sell, or trade books.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Have Frugal Fun?

Tell us how you have frugal fun and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 6 Best Ways to Sell Your Car

Selling your car — even if it no longer runs! — has never been easier. Try these tips to make the process pleasantly painless.

7 Important Things You Should Know About Balance Transfer Cards

If you plan to pay down high interest credit card debt with a new zero-interest card, make sure you understand the potential downsides.

How to Manage Student Loans On a Low Income

Juggling student loan payments with other bills can sometimes seem impossible if you're making a low salary. But it can be done.

Our high, high standard of living

In the 1950s and 1960s, a working man could support a family at a middle-class standard of living with just one income. It might surprise you to learn that one person working full

No Money for a Week? Here’s What to Do.

Don't have a nickle to your name? Time to buckle down for a week and weather the storm. Here's how to survive it — and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Best Money Tips: Essential Tips to Manage Your 401(k)

Today we found articles on tips for managing your 401(k), steps you can take to get your tax refund ASAP, and how to hustle as a new parent.