Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

You can be as happy as a Dane

Studies regularly find that Danish people are the happiest people in the world. At first glance, it looks like the conditions that make them that way aren't really available t

Don't Get Trapped by These Higher Education Scams

Too often higher education comes with empty promises and hefty bills. Learn to spot and avoid these money traps.

I turn down free money

There's a certain class of ways to get free money or free stuff simply by paying attention, keeping track, and being careful. I don't do these things. It's not because they don't

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Loaned Money to Family?

Tell us if you've ever loaned money to family and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Understanding the Affordable Care Act's Health Insurance Exchange

The Obamacare insurance exchanges open for business in a few weeks. Here's what you need to know about the system before you sign up.

Fuel Up Your Kids -- Frugally

Fueling your kids with fat, sodium, and sweet stuff is no way to help them cruise through the day. The good news is that, despite the sluggish economy, you can provide low-fat and

Success Secrets You Should Have Learned in High School — But Didn't

Most of the people who give us advice mean well, but that doesn't mean their advice is helpful. Here's the advice that you should have been given.

How I Use Skype to Keep in Touch With Friends and Family

I talk to friends and family around the world for pennies. Find out how you can do the same!

Still Without Health Insurance? Here’s How Much the Penalties Will Cost You

Health insurance may feel like a an expense you might just decide to forego, but going without can be a far costlier move.

Tasty Treats to Make With Mulberries

It’s one of my favorite times of year. The volunteer mulberry trees in my yard have begun popping with mulberries, and the kids have come inside from a morning out in the yard wit

Ask the Readers: What are Your Best Entertainment Tips? (A Chance to Win Tickets to a Broadway Show!)

Broadway fans have seen the current economy cutting into their entertainment budget, often leaving them without room for tickets to some of the most magnificent shows in the U.S.!

Eat Healthy This Winter Without Spending a Fortune

If you're like me, reveling in the fresh produce of summer and saddened when it departs in the fall, despair isn't your only option. There are good ways to preserve fruits and vege

Resources for Freelancers

Changes in the economy have pushed more and more people into part-time, temporary, and freelance work, as more and more companies cut back on traditional, long-term, full-time empl

5 Ways American Retirement Is Changing

American retirement isn't what it used to be. Are you adapting with the changing times?

9 Hidden Health Benefits of Living on the East Coast

The East Coast may not boast year-round sunshine, but there are all sorts of hidden health benefits to living in this part of the U.S.

6 Money Lessons We Can Learn From "Gilmore Girls"

Rory and Lorelai have taught us so much about love, family, Yep, money, too.

How to Have an Above-Average Life for Below-Average Prices

If you target your spending on the things that matter most to you (and not to everyone else), you can often get more for less. Here's how it works.

6 Ways Digital Nomads Can Save for Retirement

Digital nomads and perpetual travelers can use these simple tricks to save money for retirement — whatever their current address.

All We Are Saying...Is Give Pabst A Chance.

Next time you have a barbecue or birthday party, grab a case of PBR or another "cheap" beer. You're serving good beer and you're saving money, too.

9 Ways Staying on Budget Can Be Fun (Really!)

Let's face it: Staying on budget is hard. But if you make it fun, you'll get some short-term kicks while you're saving for long-term goals.