Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Does a plastic cork make for a lousy wine?

I remember the first time my mother opened a bottle of wine that featured a plastic cork. She gasped audibly; the family gathered in the kitchen, where we took turns poking at this

HOW MUCH?! The free stuff you’ll have to pay for, sooner or later.

I flew to New York for business over the weekend. As I looked at the list of $8 pay-per-view movies and $5 snacks available, my mind went back in time to a few years ago, when free

Beyond Wrapping Paper -- Post-Holiday Bargains

It doesn't take a frugal bloodhound to seek out half-price wrapping paper and holiday cards in early January. But don't stop your discount shopping there. Recent

The Quiet Millionaire: Part 7 - Give Me Investment Gains, Hold The Losses

“Win by not losing” or rather win by minimizing losses during market downturns is the ticket to being an investment champion according to The Quiet Millionaire author and Certified

Ask Readers: What Gift Do You Want Most This Holiday Season?

Tell us what gift you want the most this holiday season and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

$500 Giveaway: How Do You Use Skype to Save Money on Calls?

Enter for your chance to win $500 and let us know how you use Skype to save money on calls!

250 Miles With Sarge: Lessons On Loyalty, Perseverance, And More

A guy who calls himself “Sarge” and I, accompanied by 9 fellow cyclists and a support crew, spent about 17 hours riding 250 miles to the beach in 3 days, just last week. Sharing th

So Your Bank Failed, Now What?

Last week I wrote that ailing banks usually give the highest interest rates and mentioned the troubles of IndyMac. Last Friday, the FDIC has officially named IndyMac a failed bank

Ask the Readers: What Do You Do to Recharge?

Tell us what you do to recharge and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Help! My Money Scares Me!: Tips for Educating Yourself Without Feeling Overwhelmed

Do you feel lost at the very idea of having a budget, let alone a comprehensive financial plan? Does it make your head hurt to think about how much you make and how much you spend?

Use Holiday Hiring to Get Your Next Job – And Keep it!

Looking for some work? Maybe a part time gig or a fresh start in a new industry? We speak with an expert who tells us what businesses are looking for in their next round of holid

First-Time Home Buyer? Consider These 5 Cities

Some U.S. cities still offer a prime buyers' market for first-timers. Have you considered putting down roots in one of these spots?

What will you do when gas drops below $1.50 a gallon?

Several months ago, I wrote an article asking what you would do when gas prices skyrocketed. Now, the price of gasoline is in freefall. It’s already dipped below $2/gallon in some

5 Best Amazon Deals for Monday 09/09

Today's great deals include $19.99 & Under Women's fashion tops & tees, 70% off Sam Edelman shoes, 51% off Classic Archive Collections DVD, and more!

Recession Journal Part II: Broke or Poor?

We must understand fundamentally while some of our exercises in saving go for naught and why when things turn around, we forget our lessons. Unfortunately in America just eat one b

Write for money online series - Part I - Bukisa

I started writing online in 2007 at my personal blog and have not stopped since. I am very fortunate to have been selected to join Wise Bread last year and I have made a steady am

Best Money Tips: What to Expect at Memorial Day Sales

Today we found helpful articles on what you can expect from this year’s Memorial Day sales, items you should never buy new, and ways to use up “old” food.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Monday 10/21

Last minute Halloween Shopping? We've got 5 great deals for you!

8 of Your Childhood Heroes Filed for Bankruptcy

Honest Abe's not the only role model to have filed for Chapter 11.

Five Free Ways to Improve Your Life

Making improvements to your quality of life isn't always going to be about money. Usually, the sea changes that make our lives more livable are things that don't involve coupons or