Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Thanks, Mom

My mom is awesome. There, I've said it. My mom is really one of the best moms that anyone could ever hope for. She's always there to talk, she's fun to have around, and my whole family is really good about helping each other out. [more]

Best Money Tips: How to Host a Yard Sale

Today we found some awesome articles on hosting a yard sale, shopping smarter for crafts, and frugal health and beauty tips.

7 Times to Avoid Debit or Credit Cards

The convenience of credit and debit cards is hard to beat, but sometimes it's better to shell out the cash.

Best Money Tips: Get Your Exercise Without Going to the Gym

Today we found some awesome articles on getting exercise without going to the gym, cheap London Olympic travel, and grocery items with a long shelf life.

5 Times Trying to Negotiate Can Backfire

Getting "No" for an answer isn't the only risk of negotiating. Prevent your demands from backfiring by knowing when to hold 'em.

Federal Reserve cuts the discount rate

In response to the recent credit squeeze, the Federal Reserve did something unusual: they cut the discount rate without cutting the federal funds rate. The federal funds rate is the rate at [more]

When to Buy Brand Names: Sometimes, the Splurge Is Worth It

As important as it is to save money, it’s just as important to spend it wisely. And that means that sometimes, it makes sense to pay more for a brand-name item.

Revive Old Toys for Extra Christmas Savings (and Sanity)

It has officially begun. My four-year-old has tuned out the real world in favor of loud Saturday morning commercials advertising the best of mu

5 Things You Must Know About Health Care Open Enrollment

Open enrollment has rolled around once again. Are you prepared to select the best health care plan for you and your family?

Europe Reborn As A Budget Destination?

I had written off Europe as a possibility for the budget traveler long ago. I did it with great difficulty, because I know from experience there is nothing like the food, history,

8 Ways Valentine's Day Picks Your Pocket

On Valentine's Day, you want to show your loved ones how much they mean to you. Just watch out for these common, Cupid-themed money traps.

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Dine Out?

Tell us how often you dine out and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Chill Out With These 6 Simple DIY Freezer Treats

Cool off this summer by making these easy, affordable, and — most importantly — tasty frozen treats!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Lower Your Home Insurance

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to lower your home insurance, saving on your wedding cocktail tab, and displaying proper tipping etiquette.

Best Money Tips: Creative Ways to Give to Charity

Today we found some great articles on creative ways to give to charity, what to know before buying a vacation home, and rules for following up after an interview.

Ask the Readers: Where Would You Like to Retire?

Tell us where you would like to retire and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: 20+ Small Ways to Pay It Forward

Today we found helpful articles on small ways to pay it forward, things to throw away right now, and DIY reusable beeswax wraps that keep your food fresh and safe.

A Better Way to Rank America's Colleges

How should an American University be judged? By how well it serves the public good in three fundamental ways.

Can Men Be Trained To Understand Women?

According to Michael Gurian, co-author of "Leadership and the Sexes" with Barbara Annis, men can be trained to understand women and women can be trained to respect men. In a teleph

When More is Less

We've all heard that less is more. If you're like me, you've also heard at least a million ways to apply that. But is the opposite ever true? Do we ever save in the long run by spe