Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Would You Accept $200,000 If You Didn't Know Where It Came From?

You know, I hear a lot of people say that frugal people would do anything for dime. Personally, I think that applies more to greedy people, but it got me thinking of a question tha

The Ultimate Thrift Store: How Far Will You Go for a Bargain?

Do you brag about your thrift-store finds? You might be overpaying! Find out about "dump" thrift stores.

25 Gifts You Can Make Today

Have a last-minute celebration? There's still time to craft an affordable, meaningful homemade gift with one of these 25 awesome ideas.

The 10 Best Networking Tips for People Under 40

Getting ahead in the world is all about who you know, so get out there and start meeting the people who can push you forward!

What You Don't Know About Sushi

Think you know a thing or two about sushi, eh? I thought the same thing until Trevor Corson, author of The Zen of Fish made a guest appearance on my local radio station to dispe

This Is How Long These 6 Appliances Should Last

Major household appliances aren't cheap. Here's how long you can expect your investment to last.

Are Starter Homes Still a Thing?

Starter homes used to be the norm. But in today's housing market, you might not need those homeowner training wheels.

10 Things I've Learned From Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Making and sticking to a grocery budget hasn't just helped our finances -- it's taught us a thing or two about money, food and life.

Bridging The Gap From Dining Out To Eating In

Feeling guilty about not having bridged the gap from dining out to cooking in? Don't. Follow my lead and I show you how to take baby steps from full-service to self-service.

How Paying Attention to Detail Saves Your Finances

One of the easiest ways to keep your finances on the up and up is to simply pay attention.

How to Sell Your Home in a Seller's Market

Even in a hot market, smart sellers will work every advantage to get the maximum value out of a sale.

This Japanese Budgeting System Could Be the Key to Saving Big Bucks

In Japan, saving money is a big deal. Here's the simple system many households use to hang onto more of their yen.

Don't Pay More! Guide to Price Matching and Cheat Sheet

Holiday shoppers who take advantage of retailer price matching can be certain they get the best price. Read on for Carrie’s guide to the ins and outs of finding the best price.

The 7 Most Common Tax Questions for Beginners, Answered

Never fear, newbies — those tax forms won't bite! All your basic tax questions are here, answered.

Should a Second Marriage Be Celebrated (and Paid for) Like the First?

People spend a lot of money to make their weddings once-in-a-lifetime experiences. So what do you do if you have a second one?

5 Money Moves to Make Even If You Don't Plan to Buy a House

Getting a mortgage isn't the only reason to keep your finances in tiptop shape. You should make these money moves even if you plan to rent forever.

How to Tackle Your Summer Vacation Credit Card Debt

Spent a little too much money while on vacation this summer? We've all been there. Here's how to tackle it, manage it, and then defeat it.

Modifiers: 5 things that change an item's final price

Shopping for goods isn't Dungeons & Dragons, but it's still an adventure. Like D&D dice, modifiers affect the end result of what happens to you — specifically, how much you spend.

11 Unexpected Things Covered by Homeowners Insurance

From volcano eruptions to riots, your homeowners insurance has you covered for even these unexpected things.

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Kitchen Tools that Stretch Your Budget and Your Time

I am a very frugal person. So, when my husband discovered his digestive tract could not handle gluten, I had to figure out how to stay within the budget, while keeping my sanity.