Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What You Must Know Before Transferring Credit Card Balances

Many credit card issuers offer 0% APR balance transfer deals. Before you apply, learn how balance transfers work and how your credit score may be affected.

Get Free High-End Haircuts as a Hair Model

If your locks getting long, but your wallet is short, become a hair model. You can get a high-dollar cut for almost nothing.

Prepaid Gift Cards for Modern Envelope Budgeting

Interested in budgeting your money but don't want to carry loads of cash? Enter in the modern equivalent using Gift Check Cards or Preloaded Student cards.

Why I Still Write Paper Checks

I know people who never write checks, but I'm not one of them. Here's why.

Bottled Water, Bottled Hype Part 3

This is the third in a three-part series about bottled water. To read the first installment, click here. To read the second installment, click here. We’ve talked a bit about bottled water. [more]

Sure Savings at the Supermarket

A SURE way to save 20-25% on many of your groceries? Oh, yes, and it couldn't be simpler!

11 Ways to Make Living With Roommates Tolerable

Living with roommates isn't always easy, but here's how to make it somewhat tolerable.

11 Ways Freelancers and Telecommuters Can Make Friends and Network

Working from home has its perks, but let's face facts — it gets a bit lonesome.

What You Need to Know About Filing an Insurance Claim After a Natural Disaster

When your home is a casualty of natural disaster, know what steps to take immediately with your insurance company.

21 Frugal Ways to Reward Yourself Right Now

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But what about you? Reward yourself with these easy, cheap, and relaxing activities.

10 Cool DIY Home Improvements for $20 or Less

Add some pizazz (and property value) to your home without breaking the bank. All you need is $20 and a few hours to yourself.

7 Modern Reasons to Visit Your Local Library Today

The library isn't just a building full of old books. You can have a whole lotta fun there — for free!

10 Homemade Liqueurs to Bottle for Tasty Gifts

Homemade liqueurs and infused alcohols are easy to make and are always welcome gifts around the holidays. Here are 10 great ones you have to try.

How to Make Money by Creating YouTube Videos

Believe it or not, you can have a decent little side hustle by creating quality content on YouTube.

A First-Timer's Guide to Using Airbnb

Never used Airbnb before? No problem. Here's how to book a rental, what to expect, and things to look out for.

How to Sell Your Old Stuff on Facebook

Forget eBay and Craigslist — Facebook has everything you need to make some extra cash selling stuff online.

8 Places to Travel Where the Dollar Is Still Strong

The strength of the U.S. dollar is constantly changing, but in these travel destinations, it can go a long, long way.

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Car Insurance

Too often, drivers pay more than they need to for car insurance. Discover how to avoid common mistakes and save lots of cash.

How to Erase Your Medical Debt

As most of you know, the cost of healthcare in the United States is outrageous! [more]

8 Vile Craigslist Scams to Watch Out For

Although 99% of the ads on Craigslist are legit, some are designed to scam you. Recognize these eight common Craigslist scams and avoid becoming a mark.