Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Money Problems Our Grandparents Never Had

Our grandparents and great-grandparents weren't immune to money troubles, but these financial woes are a little more modern-age.

7 Easiest Ways to Catch Up on Retirement Savings Later in Life

If your retirement savings are off to a late start, you aren't alone. A few smart money moves can help you catch up.

6 Meditation Alternatives for People With Busy Minds

Can't sit and meditate without your mind going in a thousand different directions? No problem. There are still ways to meditate when your brain is always busy.

How to Use T-bills to Safely Boost Your Emergency Fund

Want a quick, easy, and safe way to boost your emergency fund? Federal government debt is the answer.

5 Sobering Facts About Student Loan Debt

Higher education comes at a high cost. How much more debt can recent graduates bear?

9 Things That Really Annoy Hiring Managers

When heading to a job interview, you want to impress the hiring managers. So make sure to avoid doing these nine things that really annoy them.

10 Smart Things to Do During Your Commute (Even If You Drive!)

Why fill your public transit commute (or drive) with mindless chatter when you can use that time to smarten up, instead?

The 6 Healthiest Grocery Stores

Grocery stores often try to trick you into making unhealthy — and costly — food choices. Shop at these stores for healthier marketing.

10 Surprising Things That Lower the Value of a Home

These value-sapping home features are the opposite of "selling points." Does your home (or the one you're thinking of buying) have them?

The Best Airline Rewards Programs for Trips to Europe

Don't let sky-high airfare keep you grounded from your Europe travel goals. These airlines rewards programs will get you there!

12 Times You're Better Off Without a Promotion

You're working hard — and smart — and the boss has noticed. Do you take the promotion? Or do you keep the job you're happy with?

These 10 Money Podcasts Will Help You Save Tons

Make chore time personal finance time. Pop on a solid money podcast and start making sense of your dollars and cents.

4 Ways to Make Money Doing Household Chores

Looking for a side gig that doesn't have hefty startup fees? You can make up to $25 an hour doing everyday household chores for other people.

How to Make 8 Trending Halloween Costumes on the Cheap

Just two weekends until Halloween! That's plenty of time to put together one or two of these clever, trendy costumes.

What Do the Chinese Spend Money On?

Chinese people generally save 30% to 50% of their take home pay. So where do they spend their savings — and what can we all learn from them?

4 Times When Bundling Insurance Doesn't Make Sense

"Bundling" is a buzzworthy term in the insurance world. But, sometimes, you're better off keeping your policies separate.

6 Unexpected Benefits of Solo Travel

There's no need to travel with a crowd. Seeing the world solo is often the best way to see it.

How to Handle a Sudden Loss of Income

Don't let a sudden loss of income cause financial paralysis. Take these smart steps to handle the situation and minimize the damage.

5 Money Mistakes to Stop Making by 50

By your 50s, you should have a solid grasp on personal finance — and if not, it might be due to these all-too-common mistakes.

4 Money Moves to Make After You Pay Off Your Mortgage

You own your home free and clear; congrats! Once you're done celebrating, it's time to make some smart post-mortgage money moves.