Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Has Been Your Best Investment Yet?

Tell us about your best investment and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Sell a Home Without a Traditional Agent

Real estate agents take a hefty commission from your home sale. Want to avoid that financial hit? You can sell your home without a traditional agent.

Here's What to Do if You Don't Make Enough Money at Your Job

When your paycheck is only making ends meet, it takes a toll on your money and your mood. It's time to get proactive.

Best Money Tips: 10 Countries Where Retirees Can Live Large and Save Big

Today we found articles on the best countries to retire, how to score cheap flights this summer, and cheap and easy dessert recipes.

11 Freelance Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well

Freelancers don't always have to struggle to pull in a decent income. Some side gigs actually pay well.

14 Things You Should Do When You Move to a New Town

Welcome to the neighborhood! Here's how to plant your roots in the new town you call home.

15 Surprisingly Valuable Uses for a Penny

Pennies are worthless, right? Wrong! From table decor to saving dying flowers, a penny can get you out of a jam — for really, really cheap.

What Does Your Personal Guarantee On a Business Credit Card Mean?

A credit card for your small business can be a great way to manage expenses (and earn rewards). There's just one catch.

Stop Thinking of Your House as an Investment

Your home may be where your heart is, but it's not an investment.

Going Off the Grid Is a Lot Harder Than You Think

You may hear folks long for the simpler days of living "off-grid." But it wasn't necessarily that much simpler after all.

5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life

Your digital life can become overwhelming quickly if you don't get organized. Start decluttering your bytes!

Ask the Readers: What Is on Your Summer Bucket List?

Tell us about your summer bucket list and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Turn Your Instagram Account Into a Paying Gig

Instagram isn't just for pics of your daily latte and your adorable cat. You can make money with it, too!

How to Build Your Own Amortization Schedule

Looking for a dull, but financially eye-opening home project? Great! Today, we're going to build an amortization schedule. [more]

What It Costs to Raise a Child

You probably already know (or, if you're not a parent, you've already guessed) that it costs a lot to raise a child. But just how much is "a lot"?

8 Personal Finance Tips for Introverts

Are you an introvert? If so, your inclinations to listening, thinking, and looking before leaping are well suited to earning, saving, and investing.

How Late Payments Affect Your Credit

Don't let runaway late payments wreak havoc on your credit score.

25 Things to Do With Reusable Water Bottles

As reusable water bottles become more common, you may think you have too many. But these containers are useful for much more than just holding water.

10 Financial Perks of Marriage

Have you heard the stories about how finances are one of the leading causes of divorce? What are people arguing about? Being married actually has some pretty good financial perks!

5 Friend Types That Can Hurt Your Finances

Your friends can affect your finances for better or worse. Find out which money personalities to watch out for.