Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Should There Be a "Fat Tax" on Junk Food?

Yes. Well, that's just my humble opinion, but I really don't see why this has so many people throwing their arms up in the air with shock. We tax liquor and cigarettes, neither of

Cutting the Cable Cord Has More Than Financial Benefits

Saving money by cutting cable is great, but there are other excellent benefits that have nothing to do with the cash.

8 Non-Finance Skills That Will Make You a Money Master

Becoming a money master requires skills — but not necessarily financial skills.

Are we too clean for our own good?

Science has proven that exposure to germs and dirt helps build up a strong immune system. Don't waste your money on bacterial soaps and wipes - they're just coddling your immune sy

Behind the Times - I learn about Keep the Change

Bank of America's Keep the Change program is the modern solution to a change jar. Are you saving your pennies?

These 6 Instragrammers Are Getting Rich by Traveling the World

These Instagrammers are traveling the world, taking gorgeous pics, and raking it in — maybe you can join them!

13 Benefits of Being a Night Owl

Our culture esteems the early riser, but being a night owl has its advantages. Discover how staying up late can help you get ahead.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Best Travel Planning Tips?

Tell us your best travel planning tips and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

13 Essentials Every Emergency Bag Should Have

No one wants to consider evacuating their home, but it could happen. When it does, you need a go bag ready that you can grab and run.

Best Store Credit Cards

Retail branded credit cards may be a wise choice for loyal customers. But what about department store credit cards?

How to Win a Fraud Dispute With Your Credit Card Company

Thanks to the Fair Credit Billing Act, the law's on your side when it comes to fraudulent card account charges. Here's how to protect your rights (and your wallet).

5 Questions You Should Ask at Every Job Interview

Don't waste an opportunity — be sure to ask these questions during your next job interview to help determine whether the position is the right fit for you.

5 Essentials for Building a Profitable Portfolio

Investing is a bit of an art form, but it doesn't need to be a complicated one. Know the essentials, and you'll be on your way to great returns.

Are You Ruining Your Retirement by Spoiling Your Kids?

You'd do anything for your kids — but you shouldn't derail your retirement to loan them money.

10 Ways to Spot a Motivated Seller

The housing market is currently red-hot, but that doesn't mean you can't strike a deal. Keep your eyes peeled for signs a seller really wants to sell.

5 Money Accomplishments You Should Be Proud Of

Don't beat yourself up over the financial challenges ahead. Be proud of what you've already accomplished.

Do This One Thing a Day to Defeat Clutter Forever

Got a problem with clutter? Make this one commitment, and your house (and life) will become awesomely clutter-free.

5 Budget Overhaul Tricks for the Recently Unemployed

The moment you lose a job, you need to make sure your budget reflects that major change.

The Top 10 DIY Jobs Homeowners Should Avoid

If you're thinking about tackling a big DIY project, you may want to think again. Screw one of these projects up, and it could ruin your home's value — or worse.

How to find the cheapest college textbooks

I’m not in college any more, thank goodness, but I remember every penny-pinching moment. Some days I hardly had enough money for food, mainly because the materials and textbooks I