Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Money Lessons You Can Learn From Your Pets

Didn't think you could learn a thing or two about money from your family pet? Think again.

How to Throw a Kid’s Birthday Party That’s Fun, Happily Memorable, and Not So Expensive

The most fun, memorable and least expensive birthday party for your child may be, figuratively and literately, right in your own backyard. I’ve attended and hosted fabulous but sim

5 Tricks to Consolidating Your Debt and Saving Money

Debt consolidation can reduce the interest you pay and get you back in black sooner. Consider these five strategies.

Are You Pursuing an Overcrowded Career Field?

It takes time, money, and effort to earn a degree or certificate for a chosen occupation. Before you commit, make sure the field has room for you.

11 Cool Uses for a Tablet Computer

Tablets are a great way to watch videos and check your email on the go — but they're also perfect for these awesome, surprising uses.

How to Agree on the Perfect Home With Your Spouse

If your dream home is your spouse's worst nightmare, you'll need to find some middle ground before you're move-in ready.

“I see dumb people” – Learn to cold-read like a so-called “psychic.”

I don’t believe in psychics, palm readers, telekinesis or mediums. Not because I’m a huge skeptic but because I’ve been researching them for years and have found NO evidence that t

Why You Should Allow Yourself Splurges

Do you sacrifice things you enjoy to save as much as possible? An occasional splurge is not such a bad thing, and it might even make you a better saver.

Americans' savings rate up to almost 7% - who benefits?

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the personal savings rate in May 2009 was 6.9%. This a 15 year high and a far cry from the negative savings rates of just a few yea

20 Free and Fun Ways to Reward Yourself

Reaching goals is often its own reward, but when it isn't, go ahead, do something nice and frugal for yourself.

8 Sacrifices That Will Supercharge Your Debt Payoff

They won't seem like sacrifices when debt is no longer hanging over your head.

How to Erase Your Medical Debt

As most of you know, the cost of healthcare in the United States is outrageous! [more]

How Much Are Pricey Home Upgrades Really Worth?

When readying a home for sale, it can be tempting to go wild with a new deck or room addition. Before you start, do the math.

8 Charities You Can Trust With Your Holiday Donations

The farther your charitable donation goes, the better. Check out these great nonprofits who could use your helping hand.

15 Grab-and-Go Post-Workout Breakfasts

No time for breakfast … again? Start the day the right way with a quick, nutritious, on-the-go meal that everybody has time for — even you.

7 Basic Sewing Tricks That Will Save You Money

Save money and add another DIY skill to your wheelhouse by mending your own damaged clothing. Start with these techniques!

Wal-Mart Celebrates Its Own Green Efforts with Free Reusable Shopping Bags

Wal-Mart gets its fair share of negative press. However, a recent article in the new National Geographic’s Green Guide magazine really had me t

Your stimulus check is on its way!

Wow. I guess pigs may just fly after all. Because, believe it or not, the goverment is actually paying out the economic stimulus checks ahead of schedule. And that means you could

15 Frugal and Natural Ways to Fight Acne

Keep your skin clean, fresh, and blemish-free with these natural ingredients and practices that won't harm the environment of your face — nor your wallet.

15 Unexpected Expenses of a New Baby

Having a baby is expensive. If you aren't ready for these unexpected costs, your new bundle can be an even bigger blow to your budget.