Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Reasons You Definitely Need Renters' Insurance

Yes, renters, you totally need to insure your stuff — and yourself — from mishaps big and small. Don't economize here!

Which Student Loan Repayment Plan Saves You the Most?

College degrees aren't cheap, and for many, student loans are a difficult financial burden. Learn which repayment plan saves the most money.

4 Countries Where You Can Live on $1,000 a Month

High rent costs and living expenses got you down? Living in any of these countries will set you back just $1,000 a month.

3 Simple Ways to Split Bills With Your Spouse

Marriage money matters don't have to be a source of friction. Learn how to split the bills fairly, figure out a routine, and skip the argument part.

16 Best Mobile Shopping Apps For Your Phone

If you're a savvy shopper with a smart phone, you're in luck. Instead of running from store to store comparing prices, you can do so right from your phone.

The 5 Best Home Hair Dyes

Keeping your hair color fresh on a budget isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these home hair dyes and you can get salon-quality cover at home for next to nothing.

7 Easy Ways to Clean Up Your Image on Social Media

If you're worried about your reputation on social media ruining your future, here's how to clean it up in a flash.

Save Time, Money, and Hassle by Bundling Your Home Repairs

A long list of home repairs can seem daunting. Bidding them as a bundle makes the job easier for a contractor — and worthy of a discount for you.

10 Ways Anyone Can Go Solar and Save on Energy

Looking to save some money on your monthly energy bills? Make these changes and you'll save the planet, too!

This One Skill Can Make You a Better Boss

Being a boss is not easy. But, by learning this one skill, you can become a better manager, and leader, and bring greater success to your business.

The 16 Cardinal Rules of Loaning Money to Friends and Family

Actually, the simplest rule is "Don't." But if you must, here's what you do to make it as painless as possible.

10 Ways to Make This Your Most Productive Summer Yet

This is your summer. Make it count by getting things done!

Tips for Shopping at Estate Sales

A cousin of the garage sale, estate sales are a great way to find hidden treasure. Learn what to do (and not do) to find the best deals.

7 Clever Tricks to Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick

Most people tend to bail on their New Year's resolutions before winter ends. But this time, you can make yours stick.

How to Buy a Used Car Without Getting Ripped Off

Buying a pre-owned vehicle comes with its own set of challenges — like making sure you don't buy someone else's headache.

6 Reasons You Should Always Hire a Moving Company

You're moving into a new place, and you're trying to save some cash. Whatever you do, don't skimp on professional movers.

15 Free Ways to Learn Something New

From online classes to in-person demonstrations and more, check out these 15 ways to learn something new — no fee required.

Should You Finance a Tiny Home With a Credit Card?

The relatively low price of tiny homes makes nearly any financing option a possibility, including credit cards. But should you go that route?

School Bookstores Can't Afford Cheap Textbooks

I'm taking just one course this semester, with just one reasonably priced textbook. According to the back cover, the price was $29.95, but that isn't the price I paid. I pu

Are You Eating the 10 Most Over-Priced Restaurant Menu Items?

It's no secret that dining out costs more than dining in. A Wise Bread writer runs the numbers on her local grubberies and to find out how much more.