Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

50 Ways to Walk More

There's an easy way to lose 10 pounds and 2 inches off your waist — walking 10,000 steps a day. Here are 50 great ways to get those steps in.

9 Easy Ways to Pay With Your Smartphone

There's no need to carry a stack of plastic or wad of cash everywhere you go. Make your money as mobile as you are!

5 Friend Types That Can Hurt Your Finances

Your friends can affect your finances for better or worse. Find out which money personalities to watch out for.

How Authenticity Could Make or Break Your Small Business

Forget marketing: Your small business only needs one very special thing to be truly successful.

Save Big at These 4 Discount Supermarkets

Skip the major markets and check out one of these discount grocers instead — you might slash your food bill in half!

35 Tasty Ways to Use Frozen Spinach

Make like Popeye and unleash your kitchen super powers by opening a box (or a bag!) of versatile, nutritious frozen spinach.

8 Ways to Buy Jeans on the Cheap

You don't have to spend half a paycheck on a nice pair of jeans. Cheap, stylish, and well-fitting jeans exist. You just have to know where to look.

Best Money Tips: 5 Tips to Find Your Dream Job

Today we found articles on tips you can use right now to find your dream job, ways to create a positive money-saving mindset, and a guide t earning money with Airbnb.

4 Easy Ways to Start Saving for a Down Payment on a Home

Even the humblest of down payments will eat up a sizable savings account. How can you put together a down payment on a home that won't break you?

6 Ways to Save Money on Eyeglasses

Before you fork out big dollars, read our tips for saving big on your eye care expenses!

Is hunting/fishing a good way to feed your family?

As times get tougher, I have began to wonder how many people will turn to hunting and fishing as a means to provide food for their families. I don't think I have the stamina to tra

Here's How to Get a Sale Price-Match at 16 Popular Stores

Before your next shopping trip, check if you can save some coin with these price-matching policies.

7 Ways to Remodel Your Bedroom (Without Demolishing a Thing)

You spend roughly 1/3 of your life sleeping, so shouldn’t you do it in a room that contributes to sweet dreams? Spiff up your bedroom with these easy changes.

What Pays More: Online Surveys or the Gig Economy?

Eager to work from home but don't know where to begin? Online surveys and paid gigs are a great place to start.

7 Easy First Steps to Paying Off Debt

Facing debt can be overwhelming. Where do you start? These simple steps will start you on the path to repayment.

5 Money Conversations Couples Should Have Before Retirement

You and your spouse can't wait to enjoy your retirement years, but before you dive in, you need to talk money.

The 5 Best Trash Bags

In order to avoid a major mess, you need a trash back that's as durable as it is dependable, like one of these best five choices.

5 Creative Uses for a 529 Plan

You know a 529 savings plan is for your children's college expenses, but with some creative thinking, it can be so much more.

5 Ways to Embrace Having to Work in Retirement

Retirement isn't always a permanent send-off from the working world. If you have to return to the daily grind, there are actually some pluses.

How to Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions by the End of Summer

Summer is a great time to tackle those New Year's resolutions so that you can just coast through to the holiday season.