Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Packing Secrets From a Professional Traveler

What to bring along — and how — bedevils many travelers. Find out how a professional wanderer has been doing it for seven years and counting.

The 5 Best Fans

Staying cool in the summer heat isn't easy, it can be. Just use any of these five fans and you will always stay comfortably cool.

Homebrewed Beer: Make Your Own and Save Money?

Can you save money by making your own beer? Is it worth the effort?

Garden Ideas for Small Spaces

With a move on the horizon, from residential house to suburban apartment, I realize I can't forgo the garden.

Making Money From Clinical Trials: Worth the Risk?

Participating in a clinical trial can deliver a sizable payday in a short period of time...but is the money worth the risk?

Pets, Old Cars, and 3 Other Common Money Pits

Beware the money pit. Whether it's a new puppy or a vintage muscle car, you might be jumping into more spending than you can afford.

Autumn Shopping: 5 Things to Buy in Fall

Autumn isn't just for pumpkin-carving. For these five kinds of items, it can be a great time to "rake" in some savings.

7 Best Buys at TJ Maxx

TJ Maxx offers brand names at bargain prices. Be on the lookout for these smart buys the next time you visit.

7 Surprising Benefits of Failure

Falling on your face hurts twice if you fail to learn why you fell.

Yes, You Need Home Title Insurance — Here's Why

Home title insurance is one more fee in the closing costs pile. Do you really need it?

5 Essential Tools for Telecommuting

Working from home is great — especially if you have the right tools to make a seamless transition from office to house.

The 7 Worst Money Mistakes Married People Make

For many couples, money is the biggest source of stress — often because of these critical marriage and money mistakes. Are you and your spouse making them?

The 5 Best Office Chairs

A good office chair is good for your productivity and good for your back. Here are our best five office chair picks.

8 Ways You're Wasting Electricity Without Realizing It

Cut your electric bill by getting serious about conservation. Plug these easy to miss power leaks and watch the savings add up.

Save Over $100 a Year by Shaving with a Cutthroat Razor

I despise paying the ridiculous prices Gillette and the like charge for razor cartridges. It seems as though the prices are directly aligned with the number of extra blades they pu

Eat These 6 Foods to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Worried about weight gain or indigestion on the road? Bring healthy foods with you and you'll be able to fully enjoy your travels.

The Fallacy of Homeownership as a Sound Investment

Owning a home has become inextricably linked to the American dream, as much a part of the social fabric as baseball and apple pie. But the reality is that most Americans would be b

10 Inexpensive Spring Spruce-Up Ideas for Your Home

Are you ready for some spring redecorating...but your wallet isn't? Don't worry! You can spruce up your space with these 10 budget-friendly DIY ideas.

Home Maintenance and Repair: What's an Emergency and What Can Wait?

If you're budget is tight and you have home repairs on the horizon, use this list to determine which projects can wait and which ones need your immediate attention.

9 Ways to Use Miles and Points for Holiday Gifts

Most people use their hard-earned credit card rewards for travel. Here's an idea: Why not give your budget a vacation from holiday shopping?