Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Green Goals?

Tell us about your green goals and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

How to Sell All Your Stuff and Travel the World

Dreaming of getting rid of everything you own and becoming a globe-trotter? This is how you can actually make it happen.

Are You Eating the 10 Most Over-Priced Restaurant Menu Items?

It's no secret that dining out costs more than dining in. A Wise Bread writer runs the numbers on her local grubberies and to find out how much more.

Ask the Readers: What's Your Best Experience With Customer Service?

Tell us about your best experience with customer service and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Europe has the Euro. Are you ready for The Amero?

Hold onto your hats. (Or should that be dollars?) The Amero is coming. I’ve heard a lot of talk over the last few years about a new currency called the Amero that will replace dollars and pesos. [more]

Money in Your Yard: How to Sell Palm Trees For Cash

Palm trees are ubiquitous in California and other states with a warm climate. Although they are beautiful trees, some homeowners find them to be a nuisance because they require rou

How to Talk to Mom and Dad About Their Money

Give Dad and Mom the gift of knowing you're ready to help them weather whatever life throws their way.

3 Sneaky Ways Identity Thieves Can Access Your Data

Identity thieves are crafty. Get the jump on them by protecting yourself from these underhanded attacks on your identity — and your money.

Top 6 Reasons Why Using Cash-Only Rocks

While I am a cash-only person by circumstance (paid off the credit cards and never reopened accounts), I am so grateful that I live in a cash world.

Where to Find Missing Socks

If you have a drawer full of socks missing their mates, don't despair. Here's where to find them.

10 Fastest Growing Jobs That Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago

The world was a different place 10 years ago — and these now-lucrative careers were just getting started.

How Long Does It Take to Break Even With Solar Panels?

If you're worried about the cost of installing solar panels, know that'll you'll break even … and maybe sooner than you think.

Ask the Readers: What Helps You Relax?

Tell us what helps you relax and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Affordable Cities for a Craft Beer Road Trip

If you want to try the best craft beers America has to offer, hit the road and head to these seven cities.

Ask the Readers: What New Skill Would You Like to Learn?

Tell us about a new skill you would like to learn and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Been Audited by the IRS?

Tell us whether you have ever been audited by the IRS and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Turn Your Backyard Into a Moneymaker

A big backyard costs money. Did you know it can also make you money?

Recession Journal VI: It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Any Questions?

The recession is technically over, officially over, numerically over. How do you feel now and what are you gonna do about it?

10 Great Side Jobs for Introverts

If you're looking for extra money with almost zero interaction with other people, you don't have to look far — and you won't have to fake a smile, either.