Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

50 Ways to Walk More

There's an easy way to lose 10 pounds and 2 inches off your waist — walking 10,000 steps a day. Here are 50 great ways to get those steps in.

How You Can Earn $18 to $25 an Hour With Amazon Flex

If you're looking for a profitable side gig you can fit into your own schedule, check out delivering packages with Amazon Flex.

Here's How a Claim Will Impact Your Car Insurance

Fender bent? Whether it was you or the other guy, there's a good chance your insurance policy may change.

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Car Insurance

Too often, drivers pay more than they need to for car insurance. Discover how to avoid common mistakes and save lots of cash.

7 Parenting Mistakes Everyone Makes But No One Talks About

Even great parents make mistakes. Rest assured you aren't alone in these seven common mom and dad mess-ups.

9 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Robo-Adviser

Robots are taking all the jobs — even the money manager's. Before you let a bot manage your nest egg, make sure it knows what it's doing.

The Ethics of Free: Is it Wrong to Get Free Stuff?

The problem with free is that it doesn't mean something is really free. It just means that someone else has paid for the product or service instead of you.

The 10 Most Versatile Foods in Your Pantry

If you keep these 10 heavy lifters in your pantry, you'll have just what you need for dozens of quick, nutritious, and delicious meals.

Perfect Peanut Sauce

Shake up your usual vegan fare with these kick-ass peanut sauces!

5 Most Affordable Gym Memberships

These five gyms will let you work up a sweat without spending a fortune.

6 Common Debt Reduction Roadblocks — And How to Beat Them

Excuses are the enemy of debt reduction. Don't let yourself get stopped by one of these repayment roadblocks.

The 5 Best Bluetooth Keyboards

Love your smartphone or tablet except when you have to type on it? If so, these Bluetooth keyboards may be the solution you've been looking for.

13 Things You Don't Know About Your Credit Report — But Should

There's a lot more to a credit report than just the score. Find out what the bureaus know about you — and how you can improve your credit.

How to Use Miles and Points for a Big Award Trip

Once you've earned all those points and miles on your credit card, how do you go about redeeming them for your dream vacation?

2-Minute Guide: How to Use Balance Transfers to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Balance transfers can help you out of debt in a hurry. Here's how to use them to clear that credit card debt.

The Best Credit Cards With Airline Companion Tickets

Companion tickets are one of the best credit card perks available. Discover five great cards currently offering these tickets — and three not worth the trouble.

6 Moves You Should Make Now for Your 2018 Taxes

The end of the year is fast approaching. Take some time now to get your taxes in order and you'll thank yourself come April.

5 Places to Find Free or Cheap Mason Jars

Don't overpay for brand new canning jars! If you know where to find them, affordable used jars can help you preserve your garden bounty on the cheap.

8 Ways to Keep Boredom from Destroying Your Budget

When there's nothing to do, it’s tempting to fill that void with something that costs money. Learn how to avoid those budget-busting boredom traps.

Simplicity and being cheap

People might look at how I spend money and say I'm cheap or a tightwad. If they do, though, they're missing the point. The fact is, I'm much more interested in simplicity than I