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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Join Our Tweetchat for a Chance to Win Prizes!

Join our Tweetchat this Thursday at 12:00 pm Pacific for lively conversation and a chance to win prizes! Use #WBChat to participate.

New Study Says You Should Spend Less on Kids Sports. Here's How.

Good news: spending less on your kid’s sports will actually make him better at them, according to new research. Now how to go about saving...

Best Money Tips: The Wisdom of Yoda

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share financial wisdom from Yoda hi

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/15, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: What #StateofCredit are you in? Join our conversation with Experian for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #StateofCredit to participate!

Best Money Tips: 7 Ways to Help a Family Member Financially

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you everything you need to know before

14 Beauty Products You're Using That Actually Do Nothing

We all want to look good — nobody knows that better than the beauty industry. Keep your finances beautiful by avoiding these products.

Life and Debt: Highlights from Our Chat With Leslie Tayne

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Leslie Tayne on life and debt!

How (and Why) to Make Good Pan Gravy

Here’s a quick tutorial on how to master the art of good brown gravy (sometimes called “pan gravy”) -- and why you’ll want to add it to a few meals here

Ask the Readers: Fix it or Forget It? (Chance to win $20!)

How do you know when to call in an expert?  Is it based solely on cost? Experience? Time? Give us your honest experiences and opinions, and you'll be enter

Savings Preparedness: Highlights from Our Women's Money Week Chat

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Women's Money Week on Savings Preparedness!

Best Money Tips: Survivor's Guide to Stockpiling Food

Get tips on stockpiling food, making emergency plans to include your pets, and how to stay positive at work.

5 Cities Where Airbnb Is Way Cheaper Than a Hotel

Never pay for an overpriced hotel room again. These European and U.S. cities offer the biggest savings through Airbnb.

Do This One Thing Every Day to Defeat Out-of-Control Spending

If you're worried about how much you're spending, keep your wallet in check with this simple daily task that has profound long-term effects.

10 Things Worth Paying More For

We're all about finding the best value, and sometimes the only way to get it is to fork over cash. Here are a few things it pays to pay more for.

Best Money Tips: The Retirement Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on retirement!

Flashback Friday: 36 Things You Should Buy Second Hand

Before you head out to shop your favorite stores, consider buying those items used. You can save an unbelievable amount of cash in the process.

Summer Clearance Cornerstones: 5 Things to Buy Before Autumn Arrives

The apex of back-to-school anxiety, Labor Day signals the unofficial end of summer. But it’s the start of a fleeting, beautiful season for students of saving: summer clearance.

13 Creative Ways to Avoid Spending Money

You're trying to stick to your budget, but it's really hard to stop spending! Resist the urge to spend with these 13 tricks of the tight-fisted.

Organize a Room for $10 with No Extra Effort

Home organization is often such a monumental task that families just neglect doing it. Here's an idea to help you organize for much less money and much less time.

If You're Doing This on Your First Date, You're Not Getting a Second

First dates are nerve-wracking, but you can end them fast — and your shot at a second — before they even get started with any of these moves.