Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Bluetooth Trackers

Finding your precious tech items isn't always easy, but it can be. Just use any of these bluetooth trackers, and you'll never lose your phone again.

The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Tipping

How much should you tip your service providers during the holiday season? Wonder no more.

7 Free Ways to Get Out of the House

When you're trying to not spend money, it can be easy to feel "stuck" at home. Don't be a hermit — do one of these fun, free activities instead.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Low-Cost Hobbies?

Tell us about your favorite low-cost hobbies and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Fine Art of Negotiating With Your Financial Institution

Paying more and getting less in your financial agreements? Learn how to get past the red tape and negotiate with people who can say "yes."

Don't Let These 6 Home Décor Flaws Ruin Your House Hunt

Kitschy cabinets, disco fever carpeting...never fear! These house-hunting turn-offs are actually easy fixes.

How to Stay on Budget While Eating Paleo

Eating like a cave man can be surprisingly expensive. Use these tips to eat paleo wisely, without blowing your budget.

Pay with a Selfie: How Safe Are the New Ways to Pay?

Smile! You just paid with a selfie. How safe are these trendy new ways to spend, anyway?

6 Money Problems Our Grandparents Never Had

Our grandparents and great-grandparents weren't immune to money troubles, but these financial woes are a little more modern-age.

5 Sobering Facts About Student Loan Debt

Higher education comes at a high cost. How much more debt can recent graduates bear?

10 Fun Ways to Leave Your Job

Depending on the circumstances, leaving your job may be the best thing that's ever happened, or the worst. Either way, make the most of it!

6 Questions to Ask Before You Book a Vacation Package

Whether you're looking for an all-inclusive vacation package or a bulk vacation package, ask yourself (and the provider) these six questions.

Money making hobby: panning for gold

Lately many Californians have been heading to the rivers and streams to prospect for gold. The increase in people taking up this activity has some newspapers writing about "the new

14 Gift Ideas for the Truly Broke

What can you give during the holidays when you're tumbleweed-rolling-in-your-wallet broke? Look to skills for inspiration.

8 Freelance Gigs Anyone Can Do to Make Extra Money

There are tons of legitimate side hustles to earn a little cash. These eight opportunities are easy, flexible, and (most importantly) lucrative.

12 Surprising Things Women Should Know About Retirement Planning

Retirement planning makes everyone a little nervous, but for women, there's more at stake — a lot more. Are you saving enough?

Gratitude and Frugality

Feeling thankful can be one of the most powerful — and inexpensive — things in life. Discover frugal ways to express your gratitude.

Life Without Toiletpaper - Bum Deal?

How far would you go to save the world? Upon reading the New York Times article about the Beaven-Conlin household in Manhattan, I started to get a little queasy. [more]

How to Ask for Your Old Job Back After Leaving

You quit your job. You said your goodbyes. But now … you want back in. Where do you start?

How to Build Financial Stability After Divorce

Finding your financial footing after a divorce is not easy, but you can do it.