Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Simple Steps to Discovering Your True Salary Potential

Before you ask for a raise, be sure to ask these six probing questions that uncover what you're actually worth.

7 Signs You're Financially Ready to Start a Family

It's hard to know when you're 100 percent ready to have a baby, but these financial signs mean you're off to a great start.

3 Ways Your Commute Is Killing You — And What to Do About It

Commuting, whether by car or public transit takes, its toll — in your health. Learn what steps to take to limit the effects of the daily drive.

33 Places to Retire If You Love the Rain

If rainy skies leave you with a smile on your face, you may want to consider retiring in one of these affordable cities. Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

10 Smart Things to Do With Leftover Easter Goodies

The Easter Bunny brings a wealth of knick-knacks and treats. Stuck wondering what to do with those goodies post-Sunday? Repurpose them!

Another path to recovery: higher incomes

Preventing a collapse of the financial system is part of preventing a depression. However, the shorthand term for this--getting the banks able and willing to lend--is misleading.

The Google Way: A Book Review (And a Chance to Win!)

I don’t know why I’ve put off reading and reviewing this book. It’s one that was on my “must-read” list for some time. With its common-sense but unique approach to business manage

Coping Mechanisms for a Spender-Saver Relationship

Recently, my sister announced her engagement. Her announcement made me think more and more about how important it is to discuss finances early on in a relationship. It also sp

Finding Balance: How to Practice Moderation

We all know the benefits of moderation, and yet, that knowledge seems to evaporate when a plate of nachos appears. Learn how to be more mindful.

Ask the Readers: Where Do You Go for Financial Advice?

Tell us where you go for financial advice and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

12 Smart Ways to Turn $500 Into a Better Future

Got $500 burning a hole in your pocket? Instead of blowing it on stuff, use it wisely to improve your finances, your home, or yourself.

Flashback Friday: 38 Ways to Get More Sleep Tonight

A good night's sleep can improve every aspect of your life. Not convinced? Here's why you should hit the hay early tonight.

The 5 Best 3D Scanners

Getting the right image to print into a 3D shape isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these 3D scanners and you'll get reliable 3D models.

The Cost of Finding a Treasure Chest Full of Gold

You struck gold — you're rich! Just how rich exactly? You may be unpleasantly surprised.

8 Alternative Ways to Cook Outside

There are still a few more scorching weeks of summer left, and if you can't take the heat in the kitchen, get out. No, really.

5 Simple Ways to Cut Your Car Expenses

With ever-rising gas prices, it's important to do what we can to cut back vehicle expenses. Here are five simple things you can do to keep that cash in your wallet!

10 Useful Items You Should Never Throw Out

The next time you're on a declutter rampage, give your toss pile a second thought. Some of that stuff can be put to good re-use.

8 Questions Financial Advisers Hear Most Often

Financial advisers have heard it all when it comes to money. But they hear these questions most of all.

7 Times You Shouldn't File an Insurance Claim

Insurance is there to protect you from costly damages to your home and car. But sometimes, it's best not to file a claim at all.

Guess What? Your Bank Rewards May be Taxable

Credit card and bank rewards may be taxable depending on how they're earned. Find out how these rewards are treated, and if you'll be on the hook for taxes.