Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Pet Flea Medications

Keeping your pets flea-free during the summer isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these pet flea medications and those pesky fleas will remain at bay.

This Is How You Make Restaurant-Quality Pizza at Home

With these simple tricks — and just one piece of special equipment — you can elevate DIY pizza from from flat and soggy to bubbly and sublime.

7 Ways to Make Money During a Semester Abroad

Studying abroad can enrich your life, but deplete your wallet. Offset the costs by earning your keep while you're overseas.

5 Unexpected Moving Expenses

I thought I had my DIY move totally budgeted, only to be hit with hidden costs.

10 Outdated Job-Search Techniques to Avoid

Despite the changing times, people still rely on "tried and trusted" job search techniques...even when they're not in their best interest. Here are 10 to avoid.

7 Money Lessons We Can Learn From Jay-Z

Jay-Z is one of the wealthiest entertainers in the world, and his latest studio release, 4:44, has some important financial insights.

The 5 Best Cutting Boards

Stop chopping on your countertop -- it's messy, dangerous, and bad for your knife. Chop on one of these five best boards instead.

How to Become an Expert

This article is not about how to fake being an expert, so it's not some quick, easy thing you can do and then be way better at something tomorrow. It's about actually becoming

How to Take a 7-Day Cross Country Road Trip for $350 or Less

We all want to hit the open road and drive across the country, but costs can add up quickly. Luckily, we found a way to do it for $350 or less.

5 Ways Having a Paid Off Car Is Surprisingly Great

We all know auto loans are bad for our bottom line. Check out just how much easier life can be when you straight-up own your car.

Degrees of Frugality: 7 Tips for the College-Bound

It's no secret that college tuition and the related expenses can be daunting for students and families. Here are seven tips for minimizing the costs of college.

Invest Your Time in These 13 Things While You're in Your 20s

When we're in our 20s we feel possibility ahead of us as nearly infinite. Grasp it by laying the foundation of your future when you're young, smart, and full of health.

The 7 Easiest Plants to Grow Indoors and Outdoors

With these easy-growing plants, you can add fresh air and color to your home, office, or yard no matter what color your thumb is.

5 Smart Ways to Save on Smartphones

Shake that expensive phone and service plan with these smart strategies.

5 Tricky Interview Questions Successful CEOs Always Ask

If you thought your last job interview was tough, wait till you see the hard-hitting questions these successful CEOs bring to the table.

10 Things All Successful Freelancers Do

Making it as a freelancer is not easy — but it's not out of reach, either. Here's how successful freelancers spend their time.

Best Money Tips: How to Become an Optimist

Today we found articles on daily habits to help you become an optimist, over 90 cheap date ideas, and how to deal with family members who are terrible with money.

Bookmark This: How Much to Tip in Almost Every Situation

Tipping is tricky. Here are some easy to remember guidelines to take the guesswork out of it.

How to Live the "Location Independent" Lifestyle

When you can work from anywhere, you can go anywhere. Here's how.

Why You Should Do Things You're Bad At

Competence is comfortable — but maybe it shouldn't be. Doing things you're bad at has some serious mental, physical, and emotional benefits.