Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Flashback Friday: The 95 Best Ways to Get Fit for Free

Getting in great shape shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. Here's how to get fit for zero dollars.

5 Things Your Teen Needs (or Doesn’t Need) in a Bank Account

Whether managing income from gifts, chores, or a part time job, teach your teen about saving and personal finance at the same time you teach them about banking services and fees.

How to Use New Toys to Teach Kids About Money

For savvy parents looking to teach valuable lessons in frugality, opportunities abound — even in the toybox.

Down-To-Earth Financial Advice From A Mountain-Climbing Adviser

I just finished reading The New Coffeehouse Investor by financial adviser Bill Schultheis. He's an index-fund investor and discusses his rationale for investing in non-managed fund

11 Things You Don't Know About Generation "Z"

Gen Z is slowly taking over the world. Here's what you need to know about them.

Tools to Get Organized, Family Style

Many people think I’m incredibly well organized because I can easily manage (certain) projects and recite dates, locations, deadlines, etc. for my family’s activities. The truth is

The Needless 9: Insane Luxury Items For You to Laugh At

Some luxury products are so outrageous the only logical response is to laugh. Check out the sports car hovercraft, gold toilet paper, and privates insurance!

10 Shocking Facts About Our World

Did you know that people who pay for fast food using a credit card spend 50% more than those who pay with cash? That, and a whole lot more shocking statistics after the jump.

10 Best Ways to Spend $20 in Chicago

Whether you're a Chicago resident or just visiting, check out these ways to have oodles of fun for under $20.

Financial Freedom and Using Passion to Budget

If we are undirected, we are susceptible to all the external forces of consumerism around us, and whamo, we’re a full-on rat in the race, wondering when the wheel will st

Anyone Can Spend Less for Food

You almost certainly pay more for food than you need to. Discover how you can spend drastically less...and why you shouldn't.

Best Money Tips: Tasks You Can Offload to a Virtual Assistant

Today, we give you tasks that can be outsourced to a virtual assistant, a way to expand the variety of your cookie stash, natural methods to clean stainless steel, and more!

11 Food Additives You're Probably Eating Every Day (and What They Do)

It's almost impossible to avoid these 11 food additives in a modern, processed-food diet. Learn what else is in your food besides food.

8 Problems Home Sellers Must Disclose to Buyers

Before handing over the key to an unsuspecting buyer, you need to air your home's dirty laundry — all of it.

The 5 Best Coloring Pencils

Add a little color into your life with the right art supplies. Use any of these coloring pencils and brighten the pages in front of you.

10 Cheap Ways to Make Your Apartment Awesome (Without Losing Your Deposit)

Upgrade a drab apartment with some clever, frugal design ideas that won't leave a mark, so you can leave with your deposit.

5 Tips for My Career-Clueless College Self

Going to college without knowing what career you want is tough...and very common. Here's what I'd tell my pre-college self if I could hop back in time.

Common Household Poisons and How to React

Prevent household poisoning by knowing what's in and around your home and what do to if something happens.

3 Things Your Accountant May Not Be Telling You

What your accountant doesn't say could be harmful to your business.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Costly Grocery Shopping Habits

Today we found articles on costly grocery shopping habits, things you should throw out day by day, and simple ways to make $500 fast.