Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

14 Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Money

Money is just a tool, right? It is until it becomes part of our identity, and then it becomes a problem. Learn to identify the signs.

The 5 Best Portable Fans

Staying cool during a hot summer isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these portable fans and you'll keep the sweat away everywhere you go.

How to Turn Your Home Into a Moneymaking Star

If you have a house, you have a potential moneymaking star. Your home is ready for its close-up!

8 Great Jobs for the Next 10 Years

What will the job market look like in the next 10 years? Find out which careers are a good pick in this quick guide.

How to Determine If Your Finances Are Ready for a Big Purchase

A home, a car, the latest pricey gadget — before you commit to buying, you better make sure you can afford such a large purchase.

Here's How Rich You'd Be if You Stopped Drinking Expensive Coffee

Fancy coffee drinkers, heads up! Your daily caffeine vice may seem like a harmless treat, but it's costing you more money than you may realize.

The Encouraging Truth About How Americans Are Covering the Cost of College

Everybody knows college is expensive, but just how much are people really paying out of pocket? A recent survey sheds some light.

The Benefits of Having a Roommate (Besides Saving on Rent)

Living with someone else means cheaper rent, but that's not all. Learn all the reasons why a roommate is great for your wallet AND your well-being.

Which Airline's Frequent Flyer Miles Have the Best Value?

Do some frequent flyer miles have more value than others? Let's find out.

Our Worst Financial Mistakes and What You Can Learn From Them

Wise Bread bloggers share their worst financial mistakes. Hopefully, wherever you may be in your living-large journey, you can learn from us.

Better cars are not the answer

Wise Bread is an optimistic place. There are some people who can't see the congruence between optimism and frugality. I'm talking about the people who point to our progre

I'm Fleeing The Country For Healthcare!

It’s all the buzz lately as healthcare costs rise, and especially after Michael Moore’s SICKO caught the attention of the masses. Those of us not living in places where everyone

10 Money Moments That Are Awkward for Everyone

Ever forget your wallet on a date? Believe it or not, there's a graceful way out of that awkward moment and these nine others, too.

The 5 Best Manicure Kits

Keeping your nail game strong and chip-free isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these manicure kits and your nails will always look fab.

Thrifting the Perfect Designer Wardrobe

If you have big-brand taste on a bargain-bin budget, never fear — you can build the perfect designer wardrobe with a little thriftiness.

7 Ways to Decorate an Apartment Without Losing Your Deposit

Get all the comfort, charm, and style you deserve in your rented space without the risk of losing your security deposit. It doesn't cost a lot, either!

No Limit, No Interest: What’s the Deal with Charge Cards?

Charge cards, like their credit card cousins, allow cardholders to use plastic cards to make purchases and then pay at the end of a settlement period, typically on a monthly basis. [more]

This Is the Secret to Buying Electronics for Cheap

New gadgets are great — except for the price. But if you don't mind doing some homework, you can get recent-vintage gear at a great discount.

Half of Americans Are Wrong About Their Retirement Savings

Most Americans have no idea what their retirement outlook is, for better or worse. Are you one of them?

10 Critical Steps to Protect Your Data in the Cloud

Cloud backup services are easy to use — and easy to hack, it seems. Protect your personal data from prying eyes.