Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Find a Legit Virtual Assistant Job

Working flexible hours from home can be a dream. Learn where to find a bonafide VA job that pays.

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Change Your Habits and Your Life

Replacing bad habits with good ones is easier than you'd think. Here's how a Wise Bread writer turned a social media habit into a family time habit.

8 Things People With Good Credit Never Do

Want good credit? Don't do this.

How to Budget When You're No Longer Broke

You went from barely making ends meet to being flush with cash. Don't abandon your broke budget!

How to Prep Your Finances for an Emergency Vet Visit

For a pet parent, an emergency visit to the vet is always stressful. Here's how to handle it financially.

The Overdraft Protection Racket: Why Banks Want You To Overdraw, And How You Can Get Your Money Back.

I know banks are hurting for money right now, but no more than the rest of us. And one aspect of modern banking that I find most disturbing is how banks allow you to go overdrawn s

8 Money-Saving Hacks for Those Who Hate Cooking

Don't let your disdain for cooking keep you from saving money. These easy meal hacks will make food prep a breeze.

7 Reasons You Should Always Buy Girl Scout Cookies

When Girl Scout cookie season rolls around, it's hard to justify consuming all those calories. But we've found a way to do just that!

Breathe Easy: 10 Natural Air Fresheners

Deodorizers and disinfectants don't have to be full of chemicals. Freshen your space the frugal, all-natural way with these eco-friendly ideas.

9 Ways to Use Miles and Points for Holiday Gifts

Most people use their hard-earned credit card rewards for travel. Here's an idea: Why not give your budget a vacation from holiday shopping?

4 Questions to Ask Before Getting a Credit Increase

Before you ask your credit card provider for a limit increase, take the time to ask yourself a few questions, too.

What to Do When Your Tax Preparer Makes a Mistake

The tax code is complex and even the pros make mistakes. And when they do? You're responsible for clean up.

10 Books to Read for a Better Money Mindset

Struggling to stay true to your higher-self financial goals? Any of these reads can reset your money mindset.

How to Avoid These 3 Investment Worries That Will Derail Your Retirement

It's normal to have retirement worries. But these fears can derail your retirement completely.

TurboTax: New features, and a chance to win a copy

The kind folks at Intuit have given us some free copies of TurboTax. I snagged one that I'm going to use to do my taxes, and once I'm done, I'll post a review and tell

25 Easy Ways to Make Someone Happy Today

Making other people happy is great! Here are some easy, low- or no-cost ways to bring a smile to someone else's face — and to yours.

The 5 Best Snow Shovels

Removing piles of snow while braving the chill of winter isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these snow shovels and you can clear your driveway or walkway in a flash.

20 Awesome Uses for Milk Crates

Milk crates are storage stalwarts because they're cheap and sturdy, but they can do so much more than just store books and LPs.

7 Ways to Avoid Getting Seriously Sick on Vacation

Don't let a bout of sickness ruin your vacation. Put your health first, even on the road.

6 Ways Envy Is Keeping You Poor

This deadly sin can have major financial implications. Is envy keeping you from success?