Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: What to Do if You Get an IRS Notice

Today we found articles on what to do if you get an IRS notice, things that are proven to make you happier, and ways to invest in yourself without spending a lot of money.

3 Snow-Day Recipes to Help You Weather the Storm

Stuck close to home because of the snow? Break your cabin fever with these filling, feel-good recipes that all use ingredients you likely have on-hand.

9 Ways You Put Your Life at Risk Every Day

Forget about plane crashes, war, and Ebola. The biggest risks to your health are things you encounter every day.

6 Old Things in Your House That Have Serious Re-Sale Value

You'd be surprised how well some of your old stuff holds its value. Before you junk your junk, consider turning it into cash — it's easy money!

8 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Enjoying Cardio

If feeling the burn doesn't float your boat, these cardio workout hacks may be the motivation you need. You can do it!

Best Money Tips: Awesome Frugal Date Ideas

Today we found some awesome articles on awesome frugal date ideas, tested tips for a frugal life, and inexpensive ways to keep kids entertained this summer.

9 LinkedIn Changes Every Job Hunter Should Make

Recruiters and hiring managers are looking for you on LinkedIn. Follow this advice to ensure that when they find your profile, they'll like what they see.

How to Prevent a Windfall Money Mistake

Whether the cash comes from the lottery, an inheritance, or a tax refund, planning a windfall strategy now can prevent money mistakes later.

How Much Should Your Kids Know About Your Finances?

I know of parents who don’t ever discuss money with their kids. “They should be carefree at this age,” they claim. Money isn’t an appropriate topic for family conversation at the

12 Green Living Habits That'll Save You Every Month

With just a few small tweaks to your routine, soon you'll be treading lightly and carrying a heavy wallet.

10 Money-Saving Gifts to Put on Your Wedding Registry

Start newlyweds on the right financial path with one of these thoughtful wedding gifts that celebrates the union with many happy returns.

Best Money Tips: The Wisdom of Yoda

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share financial wisdom from Yoda hi

13 Easy Ways to Improve Your Brain

Keep your brain in top form with these easy — and fun — exercises and resources. Go ahead, get smarter!

How to Buy a Mp3 Player

If you're in the market for a new MP3 player, here are some things to keep in mind.

6 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Money From Cyber Theft

Online banking is convenient and can help you budget and save, but it's not without risk. Protect your money with some easy security steps.

Job hunting: What is your dutch wife?

When I was in college, I worked in the computer center. When my boss wanted to hire a new operator, he asked a couple of us to go over resumes. That experience, which gave me som

Living within your means isn't nasty

How bad could things get? The New York Times asked that question about the economic situation. It's a good question, but they gave a really bad answer.

8 Financial Lessons From Adele

When you're the world's most popular songstress, you spend pretty much whatever, right? Not if you're a frugalista like Adele.

Cooking Fumes Are Bad For Your Health

Poor ventilation in our kitchens has many of us breathing really dirty air. If a new range hood and fan are not in the budget, protect yourself with some common sense precautions.