Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Three E-Books to Help You Make Money, Travel, and Change Your Life

It’s no secret that many of us are looking for something different in life. And one of the biggest things we can change about our lives is how we work. If we are not tied to a desk

5 Reasons Fall Is a Great Time to House Hunt

The leaves are changing, and you still don't have your dream home. Hey, no worries! Fall is a great time to house hunt.

8 Free (and 4 cheap) Things to Do in Auckland with a Toddler

Sometimes getting out and exploring a city, especially when traveling overseas, can be difficult to do with young children. While this list may contain specific free and cheap item

Are Your Financial Habits Just Bad?

From brushing our teeth to buying little things we don't need, small bad habits can make a big difference in our lives. Learn how your habits might affect your bottom line.

9 Expensive Mistakes of the Newly Retired

Retirement always has a few bumps in the road. But these nine costly mistakes can derail you completely.

Stay Secure in Your Hotel With This 8-Point Safety Check

After you check the contents of minibar, look around to make sure your hosts have stocked up on room safety features, too.

The 5 Best Sleeping Bags for Kids

Making sure the kiddos are warm while sleeping outdoors isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these sleeping bags for kids and they'll remain all kinds of cozy.

The 5 Best Backpack Tents

Hiking with a tent on your back that's also comfortable to sleep in isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these backpack tents and hiking and camping will be a breeze.

11 ATM Mistakes to Avoid Overseas

Make sure you avoid these common ATM mistakes when you travel abroad.

Augment Your Income By Going To Nightclubs

Execution is the key to good business. Money-making ideas are rampant, but it's the people who actually take the time and energy to execute those ideas that are the world's

Best Money Tips: WaMu Go Bye-Bye?

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Is WaMu on the way out? Also, learn to control your ego as a means to control your spending, find out how to bargain the right w

Financial Freedom and Using Passion to Budget

If we are undirected, we are susceptible to all the external forces of consumerism around us, and whamo, we’re a full-on rat in the race, wondering when the wheel will st

6 Indirect Ways Taxes to the Rich May Hurt You

Should we extend the tax cuts for the rich? This may affect you more than you think, even if you aren't making $250,000 yet.

6 Ways to Read Comic Books for Free (or Almost Free)

To cut back on costs, I stopped reading comic books after high school. Then I realized I could get my comic fix for free, with no superpowers required.

How to Grow Your Solo Business Without Hiring Employees

Once upon a time, you couldn't grow your revenue very much without hiring a team. Not anymore.

How to Score Free Rides on Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar

You've heard of ridesharing by now — but did you know you can score free rides? Pocket referral points from Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar!

4 Sneaky Investment Fees to Watch For

Are you paying too much for investments you already own? These overlooked fees can add up quick.

What Americans Can Learn From How the Rest of the World Saves Energy

After traveling to Europe and Australia, one writer has learned a several energy-saving tips that he's eager to bring home.

The 5 Best Electric Griddles

Who doesn't love the smell of bacon first thing in the morning? With any of these electric griddles, you can make every meal the best meal ever.

Best Cards for Women’s Apparel

Choose the best credit card for shopping in women's clothing stores.