Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Make Your Own Soda

From healthy fizzy juices to root beer actually made from roots, from simple seltzer recipes to fermented treats, discover all the ways to make soda at home.

Great Ways to Improve Your Resume Today

If you're applying for jobs, these quick and easy resume changes could make a big difference in whether or not you land an interview.

Emergency belt-tightening

Typical personal finance advice would have you divide your budget categories into two groups: Your fixed expenses and your discretionary expenses. I generally don't like that dis

Why Can't You Ever Make On-Time Payments?

How frustrating is it to pay all of your bills each month when you finally get a minute to sit down and take care of things, only to find out later you got socked with penalties an

13 Things Successful People Do Every Morning

If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then maybe morning is the most important time of the day, especially if you're aiming for success.

Pay with a Selfie: How Safe Are the New Ways to Pay?

Smile! You just paid with a selfie. How safe are these trendy new ways to spend, anyway?

9 Things That Really Annoy Hiring Managers

When heading to a job interview, you want to impress the hiring managers. So make sure to avoid doing these nine things that really annoy them.

4 Surprising Things Lenders Check Besides Your Credit Score

It's no secret your credit score is important. But when it comes to getting a home loan, it's not the only determining factor.

This Trick Could Help You Finally Pay Off Your Debt

Personal finance is personal — especially debt. But if you can overcome that hurdle, a partner may be the motivation you need to tame that balance.

7 Places to Get Vaccinated for Cheap or Free

Flu season is right around the corner. Be proactive about your health care with affordable vaccines for the flu and other preventable diseases.

How to recognize and answer illegal interview questions

In the United States job seekers are protected by a myriad of anti-discrimination laws. Despite these laws many potential employers still want employees that fit a narrow profile

10 Smart Things to Do During Your Commute (Even If You Drive!)

Why fill your public transit commute (or drive) with mindless chatter when you can use that time to smarten up, instead?

How to Get Cash While Traveling Abroad

You're going to need cash when you travel abroad, but you don't need to pay all those fees and surcharges. Here's how.

13 Ways to Make Money From Valentine's Day

Instead of spending your precious dollars on a Valentine's Day gift, why not earn some by offering something precious to the lovestruck?

6 Ways to Haggle Your Way to Cheaper Rent

If you love the apartment, but not the price, learn how to negotiate with the landlord and find the price that's right for both of you.

Your Debt Is Killing You — Here's the Cure

Forget about saving for retirement and your kid's college tuition. Here's the best reason to get serious about eliminating debt — it's killing you.

Curing Warts, Removing Splinters, and 19 Other Bizarre Uses for Banana Peels

From greening your garden to moistening meat, banana peels have plenty of surprising uses. Plus, discover 7 bonus uses for bananas themselves.

15 Things in Your Closet You Can Throw Out Today

Closet space comes at a premium — everything you store should fit, look great, and make you feel great. If not, toss it, sell it, or give it away.

12 Times You're Better Off Without a Promotion

You're working hard — and smart — and the boss has noticed. Do you take the promotion? Or do you keep the job you're happy with?

How to Wake Up Fast and Attack the Day

Waking up can be difficult when your bed is so darn comfortable. Learn how to happily shake off the sleep so you can have a more productive day.