Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Drugstore Freebies: More Than Junk Food and Harsh Chemicals

Some haters think that playing the drugstore instant rebates is actually a waste of time and money. I counter that you can't waste money if you don't spend any money, and as for ti

The Biggest Ways You're Wasting Money at the Pump

Unless your car really, really needs it, you're better off skipping premium. Find out other ways you can save at the pump.

Ask the Readers: What Small Thing Brings You the Most Joy?

Tell us what small thing brings you the most joy and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Ways to Lower Your Vet Bills

Just because your pets are beloved family members doesn't mean you should go broke paying for their medical needs.

7 Warning Signs You're In Debt Denial

Denial can really throw your life off the rails. Denying your debt can be flat-out financially disastrous.

24 Ways to Have a Blast This Weekend While Spending $0

Weekends are the best part of the week, but usually they cost money. Make this weekend a no spender with one or more of these fun, free activities.

6 Reasons Every Millennial Needs a Roth IRA

You're young, you're earning an income, and you're ready to save for retirement. It's time to open a Roth IRA.

Bookmark This: A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing 401(k) Investments

Don't get overwhelmed picking your own 401(k) investments. Use this simple approach to build a stable retirement portfolio.

5 Things You Shouldn't Order on Amazon

Not so fast on that mouse-button, frequent Amazon shopper -- the ginormous Internet retailer doesn't always offer the best price. It still pays to shop around.

50 Fun, Free Ways to Have a Great Time With Friends

Take your next friendly gathering from zero to fun with this collection of engaging and frugal group activities.

The 5 Best Waterproof Laptop Cases

While these best five water proof cases won't protect your laptop from a prolonged dunking, they will protect it from a good spritzing.

My Kid Got Accepted to an Expensive Private College — Now What?

How much is too much when it comes to college costs? A worried father breaks down the costs and the benefits of a child's hefty tuition.

Free and Cheap Things to Do in Seattle

Seattle's natural beauty and mild weather make it a fairly easy city to enjoy. Here are some of Seattle's local attractions that cost under $5 per person.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Holiday Dish?

Tell us about your favorite holiday dish and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

When to Use Savings to Pay Off Debt

One of the most common questions over on the Wise Bread forum is some variation on, "I have $X in savings but $Y in credit card debt. Should I use the savings to pay down the debt?

4 Ways to Negotiate Credit Card Debt

Here's a secret not enough of us know: Everything is negotiable — even your credit card debt.

Best Money Tips: Tax Secrets of the Rich

Today we found articles on tax secrets of the rich, ways to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle, and household chores you should outsource.

9 Easy Ways to Pay With Your Smartphone

There's no need to carry a stack of plastic or wad of cash everywhere you go. Make your money as mobile as you are!

Here's How a Claim Will Impact Your Car Insurance

Fender bent? Whether it was you or the other guy, there's a good chance your insurance policy may change.

35 Grocery Items You Should Make at Home (and 5 to Buy)

Homemade protein powder? Yep, you can make that and 34 other grocery staples cheaply and easily at home. (And discover the five you should DEFINITELY skip.)