Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Top 5 Strength Training Apps

Need a new workout routine or some extra motivation? Find both in this list of five popular strength training apps.

13 Ways to Make a Good First Impression at Your Next Job Interview

You did something right on your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile and landed the interview. Don't blow it know by making a bad first impression.

5 Spectacular Amusement Parks for Thrill Seekers

If a thrill is what you're seeking, and the standard Ferris wheel can't get you shrieking, then these five theme parks will leave you freaking.

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Delicious Homemade Gluten-Free Bread

Here is an easy to make Gluten-Free Bread recipe that is extremely affordable and much better tasting than store brands. Celebrate and have toast again!

Where to Find Emergency Funds When You Don't Have an Emergency Fund

A costly emergency has sprung up. The only problem? You have a second emergency — no money to cover it. Here's where to find funds fast.

How to Prepare for Unpaid Maternity Leave

Paid maternity leave is not a given. You can still make ends meet to afford and enjoy your time with your new little one.

Should You Finance a Tiny Home With a Credit Card?

The relatively low price of tiny homes makes nearly any financing option a possibility, including credit cards. But should you go that route?

11 Smart Ways to Maximize Desk Space

How do you expect to get any work done when your desk is a mess? Maximize that minimal space and watch your efficiency soar.

Your Work or Your Life?

Today my friend showed me an article about a Toyota engineer who died from overwork. Apparently the 45 year old Japanese man was working 80 hours of overtime a week for two months

Pre-Approved for Credit Card Offers: Are You Pre-Qualified?

What does it mean when you get a preapproved or prequalified credit card offer in the mail?

7 Easy First Steps to Paying Off Debt

Facing debt can be overwhelming. Where do you start? These simple steps will start you on the path to repayment.

Why Health Care Should be Part of Your Retirement Savings Plan, Too

Retirement planning isn't just about saving for the fun stuff. In fact, one major piece may be missing from your retirement plan.

These At-Home Exercises Will Give You a Gym-Quality Workout for Free

If the gym membership was a casualty of your war on spending, you don't have to suffer flabby abs. Get fit at home with these great routines.

10 Ways Driverless Cars Could Impact Your Wallet

They may have a few kinks to iron out, but make no mistake; driverless cars are on the way. How will they impact your bottom line?

7 Times Travel Insurance Is Worth It

Is travel insurance worth it? In these cases, the answer is definitely yes.

5 Ways to Build Retirement Stability in Your 50s

Your 50s are no time to slow down your financial progress. These critical money moves could save your retirement.

17 Cool Jobs for Book Lovers

Reading is fundamental — to an exciting career in words. Read on, bookworms, for the job just right for you.

Best Store Credit Cards

Retail branded credit cards may be a wise choice for loyal customers. But what about department store credit cards?

Getting by without a job, part 2--boost income

There are countless ways to raise your income, besides the obvious one of getting a job. Here are a few categories, and a few suggestions.

The 5 Best Leather Cleaners

If your leather couch or jacket is starting to look too worn, the proper leather cleaner is what you need. Try one of these and watch the magic happen.