Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Best Job Interview Tip?

Tell us your best job interview tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Traps in the Grocery Aisles

Today we found articles on what you need to know about grocery store aisles, the power tools every home should have, and the keys to success for freelance writers.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Get a Job Quickly

Today we found some stellar articles on ways to get a job quick, upping your LinkedIn game, and tips for finding and using online coupons.

Ask the Readers: Will You Be Shopping on Black Friday?

Tell us whether you are shopping on Black Friday and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Love Makeup or Jewelry? Surprise Yourself With a Wantable Box.

Wantable promises to send you makeup or accessories that match your personal style. If you don't mind the cost, this service could score quality goods at half price or less.

Ask the Readers: Do You Have Pets?

Tell us about your pets and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster in Your Area?

Tell us if you're prepared for a natural disaster and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Cultural Financial Problems and Learning to Cook: Wise Bread on Marketplace

Our Senior Editor was back on Marketplace Money recently, discussing how to have difficult financial conversations and learning to cook (not at the same time).

My Poverty-Fighting Superheroes

You never know -- your mild-mannered neighbor, co-worker, or long-time buddy may be a hero in the battle against poverty. He might prepare meals for the homeless; she might tutor a

Do Wantable's Statement Accessories Say Yay or Nay?

Wantable's accessories box yields beautiful, stylish jewelry at a deep discount, but do the savings make up for the cost for the service?

Beginning the Free Life Insurance Quote Process

If you have a high-risk condition or you're looking for a life insurance policy that doesn't require a medical exam, please give us a call!

Thanksgiving: 3 Ways (This Thanksgiving We're Going to Party Like It's 1621)

I’m celebrating Thanksgiving three times this year. In the spirit of the Plymouth colonists’ and Wampanoag Confederacy’s first dinner, I’m going to follow their example on what mak

How to Avoid Putting on Recession Pounds

During hard times, eating cheap food may seem to make sense, but it can be more costly to us in the long run.

Best Money Tips: How to Stay Safe in Public Pools

Today we found articles on ways to stay safe in public pools, what to do if you can’t pay your bills, and inexpensive ways to keep your car in perfect condition.

5 Ways to Keep Your Credit Cards Safe During the Holidays

Target, Home Depot and JC Penney are just a few of the stores that lost your credit card info. Learn how to protect yourself from future breaches today.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 11/14, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Holiday Savings! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

4 Reasons Why Starting a Small Business is Easier than You Think

I started a thriving business at home doing what I love. Learn how you can overcome the common excuses and do the same!

8 Gadgets Every IT Professional Should Own

Are you wondering what cutting edge gadgets that every tech professional needs? Here are 8 of our favorites.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on a Limited Income

Today we found some fantastic articles on saving money on a limited income, productivity gifts for the holidays, and coping with difficult work environments.

What Was Your Worst Job Ever? Tell us and Win $10!

It’s time for our weekly trivia question: What was your most hated job? Share your sad, tacky, or scary employment experiences and be entered to win a $10 Gift Certificate!