Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What Is a Good Credit Score and Why Is It Important?

Credit scores can be confusing. Make sure you understand how they work and how to get a good credit rating.

How to Save for Retirement While Caring for Kids and Parents

In between caring for your parents and your kids, you need to care for yourself, too — especially your financial future self.

9 Halloween Treats You Can Make in an Instant Pot

Make extra special Halloween treats for your family (and yourself) this Halloween. All you need is America's favorite new kitchen gadget and some inspiration.

Pay These 6 Bills First When Money Is Tight

If your monthly budget just went bust, make sure to prioritize these important bill payments first.

How to Set Up Automatic Payments

Sick of sitting down to pay the bills? Don't! Set up automatic payments, and let your bank (or the company you're paying!) do the work for you.

5 Ways to Make the Holidays More Affordable — Without Taking Out a Holiday Loan

Before you apply for a personal loan to cover your holiday spending, consider these alternatives.

Boost Your Home's Value With These 5 Projects

What's a bathroom addition worth to you (besides a shorter wait for the shower)? As much as 20% of your home's value!

How to Get a Groupon Refund When a Company Closes

I had a Groupon for a company that just went out of business. Yikes! Here's how I got my money back.

How to Make Sense of the Different Parts of Medicare

Medicare is complicated. Let's break down all its moving parts.

15 Things You Should Buy at Costco

You know there are great deals to be had at Costco, but you really should be buying these 15 things at Costco and not anywhere else.

5 Jobs Proven to Make You Live Longer

Every job has its pros and cons. Choose one of these five careers and the stats say you will extend your life — by years.

7 Reasons to Invest in Stocks Past Age 50

Conventional wisdom says you should invest conservatively near and after retirement. Is that actually wise?

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Holiday Shortcuts?

Tell us about your holiday shortcuts and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

9 Old-School Jobs That Are Making a Comeback

While some careers are clinging on for dear life, others are experiencing a powerful second wind. Is yours one of them?

6 Ways New College Grads Can Build Credit

Entering the real world involves making big financial choices, and those choices will be easier once you start building credit.

Buy a drink, get a free Whopper - every single day?

Did your mom always nag you to keep your receipts? [more]

It's Your Last Chance to Claim These 8 Tax Deductions

Tax Day 2018 is a big one; this will be your last chance to claim these major tax deductions.

15 Ways to Recycle and Reuse Old T-shirts

Give your old T-shirts a new life with these DIY ideas ranging from highly personalized quilts to durable pet toys to household rags and much more.

7 Things You Can Downsize Right Now

When we think "Downsize" we think trading a big home for a small one. Don't stop there — there's lots of smaller stuff to downsize, too!

These 8 Apps Will Help You Explore the Great Outdoors

Don't worry about looking down at your phone while outside. These apps will help you get out and enjoy the great outdoors.