Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Cards for Men & Women’s Apparel Stores

Find the best women's and men's apparel credit cards.

How "Carried Interest" May Affect Our Taxes

Carried interest was a buzzword of the presidential election. Just what is it, anyways?

13 Ways You Can Cut Grocery Expenses Today

Food prices are going up and up. What to do? Shop smart, eat smart, and save smart!

Should We Pay $2 Per Pound for Garbage Disposal?

In many European countries, citizens have to pay for their garbage disposal based on weight or volume. Could it work in the U.S.?

Why Now's the Right Time to Jumpstart Your Career

Americans have more job opportunities than ever before. Are you making the most of it?

3 Exciting Overseas Winter Vacation Destinations

Looking to book an exciting winter getaway? Look no further than these overseas destinations.

The 5 Best Knife Sharpeners

A sharp knife makes meal prep easy, and it's a whole lot safer, too. Keep your edge with one of these best five knife sharpeners.

6 Times It's Actually Okay to Be Underwater on Your Home

Many homeowners are still digging out from the housing crash. While we'd all rather have some equity, being underwater isn't always bad.

9 Ways to Travel Big on a Tiny Budget

World travel doesn't need to cost an arm and a leg. You can see all the sites and still return home with money in your pocket.

5 Unmistakeable Signs You're Slacking at Work

Put the phone down and stop missing deadlines. These are the signs you need to step up your game up at work — and soon!

What's the big deal about banks refusing to lend?

Anybody--but especially frugal people--can be excused for thinking that the whole credit crisis thing is being overblown. After all, we get along without debt. In fact, we str

The Art of the Group Gift

While simple, group giving can also become a sticky situation if done badly. Here are some guidelines for group giving.

How Your Child Can Earn College Credits in High School (For Cheap)

Help your high schooler get a head start on college, while you get a head start on saving money.

The 5 Best Handheld Vacuums

Clean up those little mess in a jiffy with one of these great little sucker-uppers.

This One Wedding Trick Will Save You Thousands

For the frugal bride and groom, winter is the right time to wed. Savings are substantial and the setting is unique and memorable.

10 Financial Moves You Can Make During Your Commute

Your commute may seem like a waste of time, but it may actually be the best time to optimize your finances — even if you're behind the wheel.

8 Ways to Stay Sun Safe This Summer

Summer is here and the sun is beaming brightly. But before you head outside, make sure your skin is thoroughly protected from damaging rays.

Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Dishes

Cooking the entire meal on Thanksgiving day is an exercise in extreme planning. Decrease turkey day stress by making these dishes ahead of time.

What's the Right Percentage of Cash for Your Portfolio?

Cash can play an important role when it comes to investing, but it can also slow overall portfolio growth. What's stability actually worth?

Solve Problems, Study, and Brainstorm using Mind Maps

Mind Mapping is a creative process used to accomplish and enhance tasks that may otherwise be boring or difficult. You can transform the way you study, take notes, brainstorm, and