Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Home Renovations That Could Hurt Your Home's Value

Swimming pools and lavish gardens may sound great, but before you drop big bucks on a home renovation, know what it can do to resale value.

How to Stop the Takeout Meal Cycle and Save

Takeout is tempting, but it's wreaking havoc on your savings. Stop the cycle with some savvy shopping and a little planning.

How to Save 10-20% on Online Purchases, Every Day

You don't have to be an extreme couponer to find great deals online. Learn how to get major discounts on online purchases, every day.

Do You Know Your Retirement "Number"?

You might think you know the amount of money you'll need for a comfortable retirement — but you could be basing that off the wrong number.

How to Increase the Chance of Someone Returning Your Lost Wallet

It’s not a fun feeling. You’ve reached the checkout at the grocery store, you feel into your pocket, or purse, and realize that your wallet is missing. You heart stops, you walk ou

Awesome Accomplishments: 50+ Questions to Ask Yourself and Figure Out What You've Done

Figuring out what you've accomplished at work is essential to demonstrating your value to employers. Here are 50+ questions to jumpstart the process of articulating awesome accompl

Making Your First Paycheck Work for You

Getting your first post-graduation paycheck can be exciting and unnerving. Find ways to fully support yourself -- either immediately or sometime in the future -- and b

10 Serious Health Benefits of Laughter

From improved lung function to a fitter midsection, a hearty laugh offers plenty of unexpected health benefits. No joke!

10 Big Expenses You Can Easily Get Rid Of

The 80/20 rule applies to budgeting, too — 80% of your spend goes to 20% of your expenses. If you can cut those big costs, the savings are big, too.

6 Lessons on How to Be a Financial Grownup From Bobbi Rebell

How can you tell when you've become a financial grownup? Author Bobbi Rebell asks icons of the finance world to share their stories.

Book Review: The Road Out of Debt

The classic story of victory over debt is success through work and frugality. But real life is not always so positive, and that's why this book is so useful.

15 Cheap and Delicious Punch Recipes for Holiday Parties

Bring on the holiday festivities! These delicious and simple party drinks sure do pack a punch.

Save up to 20% on Gas

Find out how to get cheap gas, energy-saving driving tips, maps, and more...

5 Things Newlyweds Must Know About Investing

First comes love, then comes marriage — then comes worrying about money. Here's how to manage your investments together for the long haul.

3 Terrible Things Foreclosure Does to Your Credit

A foreclosure stings, but you can rebuild. Here's what it will do to your credit, and the steps to take to get it back.

How Much Should Your Kids Know About Your Finances?

I know of parents who don’t ever discuss money with their kids. “They should be carefree at this age,” they claim. Money isn’t an appropriate topic for family conversation at the

Does Your Kid Need an IRA?

Ready to give your child a mega financial jumpstart? Consider opening them a Roth IRA.

7 Nutrients You Need More Of

The latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans identified a handful of vitamins and minerals Americans weren't getting enough of. What are these seven nutrients, exactly?

Should You Pay Your Student Loans With Credit Cards?

You can use a credit card to pay for just about everything — even other loan payments. But there's a catch.

15 Easy Fall Pizzas

Abundant autumn vegetables (and fruits) are just appearing on grocer's shelves, just in time for easy, delicious Fall pizza.