Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What is Your Favorite Thing About Fall?

Tell us what your favorite thing about fall is and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Avoid Getting Your Credit Card Canceled

Find out why your credit card could be canceled on you without notice, and tips to help avoid it.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your New Year's Traditions?

Tell us about your New Year traditions and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How Much Money Do You Need in Savings When Applying for a Mortgage?

You've saved up the down payment and closing costs for a new house. But do you have enough cash reserves to get the green light from your lender?

Ask the Readers: Have You Started Saving for Retirement?

Tell us whether you've started saving for retirement and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The High Cost of Cheap Clothes

Even the cheapest fast fashion pieces come with a hefty price — steep environmental and social costs we don't often see.

6 Ways a Donald Trump Presidency Could Impact Your Wallet

Donald Trump is making a buzz with his stances on everything, including money matters. How would his presidency affect your finances?

7 Reasons to Invest in Stocks Past Age 50

Conventional wisdom says you should invest conservatively near and after retirement. Is that actually wise?

25 Hotel Hacks From Professional Travelers

From booking to bedtime, find out the shortcuts these pro travelers use to make hotel lodging cheaper, more convenient, and more comfortable.

10 Self-Improvement Apps to Make You Smarter, Stronger, and Happier

Want to develop healthier habits? Become the Six Million Dollar You with the help of these 10 cheap (or free!) self-improvement apps.

9 Old-School Jobs That Are Making a Comeback

While some careers are clinging on for dear life, others are experiencing a powerful second wind. Is yours one of them?

Use "Cognitive Crafting" to Ace Your Next Job Interview

If you want to ace your next job interview, all you need to do is change your perspective.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Gas?

Tell us how you save on gas, and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Things Non-Members Can Get at Costco (Including Cheap Eye Exams!)

Some stuff at Costco — like health care services — is available to members and nonmembers alike. Read on to learn how to get the deals without the card.

The 5 Best Compression Socks

Achieving muscle recovery as an athlete isn't easy, but it can be. Wear any of these compression socks and you'll be able to show off those athletic skills ASAP.

6 Ways Instagram Stars Make Money and Travel the World

Ever wonder how Instagram stars are able to make money and see the world? It's not an easy process, but the end result is certainly worth it.

When to Do a Balance Transfer to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

A balance transfer can help your finances. Moving your money from a high-rate card to one that has a 0% APR can save you money and help you pay off your debt much faster.

Here's What a Balance Transfer Does to Your Credit

A balance transfer can help you pay down debt faster, but it comes with some costs, including a few you may not see.

5 Ways Freelancers Can Promote Their Work Without Social Media

You don't need to stay plugged in to social media to promote your freelance career. Try these other ways to reel in clients.

25 Bite-Sized Money Resolutions to Make 2015 Your Biggest Year Yet

You don't have to make life-altering changes to see big results. Start with one or two of these small money resolutions and grow from there!