Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Teach yourself to cook

Everyone knows that cooking is cheaper and healthier than eating out. It's also better (i.e. more to your taste) than eating out, and easier than eating out (no driving, parking,

Surprising Things That Can Kill Your Credit

We're all familiar with the damage a late payment can do to a credit score. But there are plenty of other credit-sinkers you might not know about.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Fight the Afternoon Slump?

Tell us how you fight the afternoon slump and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Smart Money Challenges You Can Totally Do

Want to save some serious cash this week, month, or year? Well, have we got some challenges for you!

9 Ways to Earn Extra Cash When Money Is Tight

Whether you're unemployed or could just use some cash on the side, these gigs (ranging from oh-so-easy to kind of wacky) can help you make money fast.

This Is How Long These 6 Appliances Should Last

Major household appliances aren't cheap. Here's how long you can expect your investment to last.

8 Ways Clutter Keeps You Poor

Clutter looks bad, stresses you out — and it costs you money. It's time to start moving your stuff from lots to profit.

How to Protect Your Retirement Account From a Hack

You know your bank account and credit card can get hacked. But are you forgetting to monitor your hard-earned retirement savings?

10 Tips for Landing the Perfect House-Sitting Gig

Want to travel around the world and stay in great houses for free? It's simple — house-sit. Follow these suggestions to get started.

How One Nice Thing Can Ruin Your Whole Budget

This is precisely why we can't have nice things.

Here's What to Do If You Get Audited

You're being audited. Don't panic — these steps will help you navigate the process.

12 Great Side Jobs for Outdoorsy Types

If your 9-to-5 is crushing your spirits, consider one of these fresh air side hustles that'll get you outdoors — and unchained from your desk.

6 Smart Ways to Boost Your Social Security Payout Before Retirement

Pave the way for a smart retirement by boosting your Social Security payout first.

Passport Pictures for Under a Dollar

Use this technique to produce passport pictures, visa pictures, and any other required id photos, all for under a dollar.

Free Preview of Refund Cents Website – Extended for Wise Bread Readers ONLY!

Sadly, several of you have let me know that you missed the brief window to try out Refund Cents. We have gotten permission to offer an exclusive new preview to our readers, good u

What a New Baby Really Needs

If you don't want to break the bank getting ready for your new baby, check this list for the items that are truly essential — and those that can be ignored.

5 Money Moves to Make Even If You Don't Plan to Buy a House

Getting a mortgage isn't the only reason to keep your finances in tiptop shape. You should make these money moves even if you plan to rent forever.

TIPS and I-Bonds

There are risks in any investment. The market might go down--or the market might go up, but your investment might go down anyway. The company that issued your stock or bond might

5 Cars That Thieves Don't Touch (and 5 Simple Anti-Theft Tricks)

Do you drive one of the least-stolen cars in America? Read this to find out.

The 7 Most Common Tax Questions for Beginners, Answered

Never fear, newbies — those tax forms won't bite! All your basic tax questions are here, answered.