When you’re in debt, it’s nearly impossible to save money. The money you save while paying off debt is not likely to earn as much interest as the interest you pay towards your debt
Recently, a reader asked how to give stock to kids in her life in an effort to inspire a life-long interest in investing. Here are ideas on ways to get the younger generation start
Getting around town on a bike isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these folding bicycles and you can go from bike to train to bus without missing a beat.
From Craigslist to grocery samples, free stuff is everywhere. Understand how marketers use "free," the psychology behind it, and how it affects your habits.
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
These 15 Road Trip Snacks Make It All About the Journey
Are we there yet? Who cares when the car is filled with delicious — and healthy — snacks and treats like these!
10 Things You Probably Didn't Know You Could Buy at Costco
Paper goods, giant bags of peanuts, a year's supply of toothpaste… yeah, Costco sells that. Costco also sells 401(k) plans and caskets. Wait. What?
15 Reasons You Should Eat More Chocolate
Go ahead and reach for the chocolate. It's delicious, and even better, it's good for a better mind, a better body — and even better sex.
How I Saved $3,190 With a $50 HDTV Antenna
With just a $50 HDTV antenna, you can save a lot of money!
Get Out of Debt First, Then Focus on Saving
When you’re in debt, it’s nearly impossible to save money. The money you save while paying off debt is not likely to earn as much interest as the interest you pay towards your debt
Getting Kids Started with the Stock Market
Recently, a reader asked how to give stock to kids in her life in an effort to inspire a life-long interest in investing. Here are ideas on ways to get the younger generation start
Get the Most From Your Airline Miles in These 5 Overlooked Cities
You worked hard for your miles! Make them take you further by traveling to these five overlooked world cities.
11 Small Ways to Save Big on Ink
Printers are cheap but printer ink is pricey. One-time and day-to-day adjustments can help prevent waste and save money.
Book Review - The Cheapskate Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of Americans Living Happily Below Their Means
The Cheapskate N
6 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Mold on Common Household Items
Yuck mold — and it's everywhere! Get rid of it while keeping your stuff with some easy cleaning tricks.
4 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Side Income
Many people don't try to earn extra money outside of their jobs, but they should. Here's why.
The 5 Best Folding Bicycles
Getting around town on a bike isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these folding bicycles and you can go from bike to train to bus without missing a beat.
8 Ways to Lower Your Vet Bills
Just because your pets are beloved family members doesn't mean you should go broke paying for their medical needs.
Here's How Generosity Actually Improves Your Life
Everyone knows giving is its own reward, but it's nice to know that giving gives back to the giver, too. Here's how.
12 Awesome Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar
From dressing your salad to softening your callouses, you'll find a use for apple cider vinegar in every room of your home.
Stupid Things to Put in Your Cover Letter
Crafting a compelling, convincing cover letter is not easy. Discover how to write a good one by learning what to avoid.
10 Travel "Must-Haves" That You Can Live Without
Traveling can be so much more fun when you pack light. From guidebooks to gizmos, learn how to deal without these travel "necessities."
The Psychology of Free, and Its Power Over You
From Craigslist to grocery samples, free stuff is everywhere. Understand how marketers use "free," the psychology behind it, and how it affects your habits.
6 Ways to Apartment Hunt on Craigslist Without Getting Scammed
Craigslist is a leading apartment rental marketplace, with plenty of listings — and scammers. Protect yourself by recognizing the warning signs.
The Millennials Guide to Avoiding Credit Card Debt
Millennials have a shared fear; credit card debt. But don't worry — it's entirely possible to use credit cards and avoid crippling debt.