Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Seriously, Get Rid of Your Landline

Do you still have a telephone that plugs into the wall of your house? The number of people who do is dropping — and with good reason.

Looking for Answers in Life? Here's your Key...

So many of us are feeling stuck in our lives, searching for something we seem to flirt with and skirt arou

How Much Does it Cost Every Time you Get Into Your Car?

I was horrified when I discovered exactly how much it costs me to drive into town for groceries. Do you know exactly how much it costs you?

Money Related Traditions for Celebrating Chinese New Year

The Chinese Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is celebrated annually by billions of people around the world. In 2010, New Year's Day falls on February 14th. Here are some of the

3 Unbelievable Visualization Board Success Stories

There's a lot of skepticism around the idea of visualization boards, but plenty of people are convinced, such as the three people profiled here.

8 Signs You're Making All the Right Moves for Retirement

It's hard to know if you're saving enough for a comfy retirement. Look for these indicators that you're on the right track.

What You Need to Know About Divorce and Credit

There's nothing easy about divorce, including managing your credit. Here's what to look for.

Re-Age Your Credit Card Debt to Protect Your Credit Score

Re-aging your credit can be good or bad depending on the circumstances. Learn when you want your credit re-aged and how to make it happen.

4 Ways Credit Cards Manipulate You Into More Debt

We humans aren't always rational. Learn four psychological tricks credit card companies use to capitalize on your irrationality and maximize your debt.

5 Ways to Get Through Airport Security Faster

Save time and reduce stress by using these tips to speed through airport security whenever you travel.

7 Smart Ways to Save on a Wedding Dress

Planning your big day doesn't have to be stressful — and it doesn't have to bust your budget. It's time to get savvy about your wedding dress!

8 Ways to Be a Better Human by Living Like a Vampire

If you can look past their blood thirst and fundamental moral depravity, vampires have a lot to teach us about being human.

6 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself

All the productivity tricks in the world are can't help you if you're lacking motivation. Read on to get some gumption!

Why Do a Credit Card Balance Transfer, and How?

Learn the pros and cons of transferring a credit card balance, as well as how to choose the right credit card for you.

Receiving Your Tax Refund in Savings Bonds

If you qualify for a tax refund this year, getting it in the form of U.S. Savings Bonds can be a great way to jump-start or augment your savings.

19 Money-Saving Uses for Mouthwash

From glass cleaner to astringent and much more, mouthwash can replace an array of specialty items and save you lots of money in the process.

Paying for a Piece of the Pizza: Techniques for Splitting the Bill

Sick of being the person to count everyone's cash or cover for a mooching friend? Next time you're splitting the check, try one of these techniques.

3 Ways to Fund Your Business Without Touching Savings

Don't take one step forward and two steps back. Here's how to fund a new business venture without touching your retirement savings.

4 Overseas Wedding Destinations Anyone Can Afford

Thinking of having a destination wedding but are worried about the price tag? These overseas destinations will fit anyone's budget.

Frugal Vacations the Entire Family Will Love

You can skip the high-priced cruises and wildly expensive destinations. Get on board with these fun, frugal approaches to traveling with your family.