Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Debt Tracking Systems

Using any of these debt tracking systems, you'll have a much easier time paying off your debt once and for all.

Best Credit Cards for the Holidays

There’s no better time to sign up for a rewards or low introductory interest rate credit card than the holiday season. Here are the top cards you should have on your wish list.

The High Cost of Keeping Warm

Keeping your home warm this winter comes at a cost — a rather high one, if you're not careful.

5 Things You Shouldn't Order on Amazon

Not so fast on that mouse-button, frequent Amazon shopper -- the ginormous Internet retailer doesn't always offer the best price. It still pays to shop around.

6 Reasons You're Still Struggling to Pay Bills

You're making decent money and not obviously wasting it. So why are you still on thin ice by bill-paying day?

Did Your Parents Give You a Whole Life Insurance Policy? Here's What to Do With It.

What is whole life insurance all about? If you have any questions about this, read on.

What Should You Do When a Natural Disaster Spoils Your Travel Plans?

If a natural disaster is threatening your travel plans, it's crucial to know your options. Learn how your trip might be handled — and if you're entitled to a refund.

4 Worst Reasons to Buy a House

You should buy a home because you want to — not because these myths make you believe it's a good idea.

The Backdoor to Amazon's 70% off deals

I'm completely crazy about a new site I've just discovered. It's called Jungle Crazy and it's brought to you by those nice folks who also gave you RetailMeNot and BugMeNot. What is it? [more]

10 Unexpected Uses for Laundry Detergent

Who says laundry soap is just for clothes? Try it for one of these other common household clean ups.

5 Unexpected Costs of Political Activism

Protesters are out in force right now. And while taking a stand is important in many ways, there are financial and personal risks to consider.

My Kid Got Accepted to an Expensive Private College — Now What?

How much is too much when it comes to college costs? A worried father breaks down the costs and the benefits of a child's hefty tuition.

7 Places to Find Free or Cheap Groceries

Looking to dip your toe in the world of salvage groceries? Here are seven places to start sifting.

15 Cheap Staple Dishes From Around the World

People around the world have been eating delicious, frugal, and healthful food for centuries. Try these international cheap eats!

Here's How a Spending Ban Can Help (and Hurt) You

Finances currently a mess? Hit the reset button with a spending ban. Just be careful not to overdo it.

4 Ways to Make Debt Repayment Fun

Paying off debt can be fun — yes, fun — with just a little bit of creative thinking and some basic gamification.

23 Hidden Costs of Buying an Old House

Vintage charm and classic appeal may be great selling points, but before you shell out for an old house, be sure you know what you're buying.

Ask the Readers: What Helps You Be More Productive?

Tell us what helps you be more productive and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

25 Easy Organizing Changes You Can Make Today

You can get organized. (Really.) And you can even do it in small steps. (Seriously.) Start today with one of these 25 quick tasks.

7 Parenting Mistakes Everyone Makes But No One Talks About

Even great parents make mistakes. Rest assured you aren't alone in these seven common mom and dad mess-ups.